Hajime Nagumo, a student in high school, is harassed by some of his peers because of his friendship with Kaori, the popular student. Hajime only acquires the fundamental alchemical magic to convert so...


In the year 2099 of the Fused Era, the cyberpunk city-state of Shinjuku stands as a dazzling metropolis adorned with neon signs, towering skyscrapers, and cutting-edge technology. This is the stage fo...

6.88 7.32 351

Due to a conspiracy, Goku and his friends are turned into children. They set out on a journey to a mysterious new world in hopes of reversing the transformation. ...


Nina had a rough start to life, stealing to survive—and eventually being sold into slavery by her own brother. But to her surprise, her captor, Prince Azure, ordained that she would live the life of...


Rookie teacher Haruaki Abe is as cowardly as they come. It's hard enough for him to handle human students without whimpering-and now he's going to be teaching at a school full of monsters?! It's a cla...

5.88 6.57 183

Haruto Amakawa, a 20-year-old college student, does not anticipate waking up in the body of Rio, a small kid, after dying in a car accident. Rio discovers he now has magical abilities when their memor...


Noel longs to be a Seeker like his heroic grandfather, slaying the beasts that emerge from Abysses and exploring far-off lands. Unfortunately, it turns out he's nothing but a measly Talker–a job wit...


The story takes place in another world where there are gods. This world lays above the sky and below the ocean. Four evil gods used to support this world by acting as pillars, but they ran away includ...


A healer gets booted from his party because the leader notices he isn't really contributing much to the team. Soon enough, the healer must look for new members to party with. After finding a cute mart...

5.66 6.17 128

his is the story of Puniru the slime and Kotarou, a middle school student, until they cease being friends... Kotarou Kawaii is a second-year middle school boy. When he was in elementary school, a s...

6.31 6.67 65

Keisuke Niijima lost his beloved wife, Takae, 10 years ago. Since then, he doesn't feel alive and is seen as a gloomy man. The only family Keisuke is left with is his only daughter, Mai. Keisuke wants...

6.44 7.34 72

Hitoyoshi Yokoya is a high school student who currently lives alone. One day, an unfamiliar girl knocks on his door and offers to be his maid. She reveals that she is a former assassin, which makes Hi...

6.78 7.38 96