In Jasper, Nevada, three young humans, Jack Darby, Miko Nakadai, and Rafael Esquivel, are accidentally caught in the crossfire in a fight between enormous robots that transform into vehicles. They are...

8.00 102

Plot Summary: The battle between America's elite military force against the ruthless and power hungry terrorist organization COBRA enters a new chapter. A new covert team of Joes, SIGMA 6, has been cr...

7.10 93

The series centers on a young boy named Ray, who has the unique ability to form friendships with and battle alongside fantastical creatures from a parallel dimension. As evil forces seek to enslave th...

7.10 7.40 59

The Rescue Bots are a team of novice Autobots who aren't yet prepared to confront the Decepticons. Stationed on Griffin Rock, an island off the east coast of America by Optimus Prime, they partner wit...

7.70 7.40 54

The series is set in the Big City, a city modeled after New York City. The story follows Blythe Baxter and her father as they move into a Big City apartment above the Littlest Pet Shop - a day-camp fo...

7.10 7.30 60

Years after the events of Predacons Rising, Bumblebee is summoned back to Earth to battle several of Cybertron's most wanted Decepticons that escaped from a crashed prison ship Alchemor and assembles ...

6.00 6.20 47

Chuck is a dump truck him and his freinds have fun together and with the world famous monster truck rally. Chucks brother...

7.10 6.80 44