The show follows the adventures of Adora, He-Man's twin sister, who leads a group of freedom fighters known as the Great Rebellion in the fight to free Etheria from the tyrannical rule of Hordak and t...

6.90 7.30 62

The sequel series to He-Man, taking place 10,000 years into the future. Prince Adam is brought from the past to protect the Planet Primus from the evil mutants led by Floog and Skeletor....

7.40 6.80 55

Mr. Pocket opens a new hotel, the Pocket Plaza, aka the Plaza Hotel in New York City. There is a new English friend, Pia Pocket, an identical cousin of Polly,[2] who dreams of being a great rock star....

6.80 6.30 47

During the monkey-manned spaceflights of the 1960s, one rocket veered off course, sending a chimp named Charlie into the far reaches of space. After many years, Charlie’s spacecraft was found by the...

7.60 7.80 55

A group of young toads, called toadlets, find themselves stranded in a forest after missing their migration to Toad Hollow. On their journey home, they encounter significant dangers, including a giant...

6.40 6.30 46