The Laurel and Hardy Show is a series of short silent films which later led into talking short films and feature movies with the progression in sound technology. The show revolves around the duo getti...

8.00 6.90 52

Yippee, Yappee and Yahooey are dogs who serve the King as his Royal Guards. They must always protect, serve and obey the King. They are loosely based on the Three Musketeers. At times, the three heroe...

7.10 6.40 52

The dashing and upright "outlaw" as a youth outsmarts the Sheriff of Nottingham and his various cronies with the help of younger Maid Marian, Friar Tuck, and Little John. ...

6.20 7.80 51

Breezly Bruin (voiced by Howard Morris) is a comical, resourceful, polar bear. His friend is Sneezly Seal (voiced by Mel Blanc), a droopy seal with a perpetual cold whose sneezes pack devastating powe...

6.60 7.90 55

The Adventures of Teddy Ruxpin follows young Teddy Ruxpin as he leaves his home on the island of Rillonia with his best friend Grubby to follow an ancient map which leads him to find a collection of c...

6.70 6.60 48

Yogi, a charming and loquacious forest bear, attempts to steal picnic baskets from park visitors, while Park Ranger Smith tries to prevent him from succeeding. ...

7.60 7.90 47

Sinbad Jr. is the teenage son of Sinbad, the famous sailor, and he traveled the world in his single-masted sailboat seeking adventure and wrongs to right, fighting such villains as the Bluto-like, big...

6.80 7.50 54