The protagonist of the series is Andy Larkin, a mischievous teen and the self-proclaimed "world's greatest prankster". The show follows him as he tries to perform incredibly well-thought-out and elabo...

6.00 6.50 55

In every episode, a wizard named Bubonic and his aunt, a witch named Tyrannia, must wreak havoc on the city in which they live or suffer a severe punishment from their supervisor, Maledictus Maggot. T...

6.30 7.70 38

The series is focused primarily on a group of elementary school students. Miss Graves, their teacher, is usually shown as an interlocutor in the problems and injustices that are inflicted upon the stu...

6.90 7.30 43

The series focuses on a rare species of little bears with wings that live in the magical forest in a utopian cooperative community. The little flying bears together with their friends, took on themsel...

7.40 6.80 49

Each episode typically begins with Santa Claus getting ready for Christmas and engaging in holiday preparations at his workshop. Soon, two recurring villains, Gruzzlebeard and his partner Dudley, appe...

6.90 6.10 54

Environmental activists Mom and Pop Tofu, worried that their family is being stifled by urban routines, decide to move to a farmhouse in Beauvillage and adopt a more natural lifestyle. Their pre-teen ...

6.50 6.90 49

This adult-oriented CGI animated parody of "Star Wars" features Captain Chode, a purple octopus alien with a penchant for pornography. His nemesis, Darph Bobo, is a spoof of Darth Vader. The cast incl...

6.60 7.70 55