Courage the Cowardly Dog follows a dog named Courage, an overly-frightened canine who lives in a farmhouse with Muriel and Eustace near the fictional town of Nowhere, Kansas. Abandoned as a puppy, Cou...

7.90 6.40 87

Cow and Chicken are brother and sister, who have human parents whose faces are never seen in an episode. In the pilot episode No Smoking, their bodies have no upper halves. In episode "Cow and Chicken...

7.40 7.40 74

Cardfight!! Vanguard G follows the story of Chrono Shindo, a middle school student who has chosen a path of chronic boredom and loneliness. However, that all changes when he finds a Gear Chronicle dec...

6.50 6.70 50

Humanity has advanced to great heights since it obtained the information technology known as "Mana." With that nearly magical power, problems like war, food shortages, and pollution have been eliminat...

6.10 7.00 56

Follow the adventures of Arty and his sidekick Epiphany, as they search the galaxy to solve creative problems with art! ...

6.90 7.40 43

The series followed the exploits of Jack Tenrec and his crew of ecological freedom fighters known as the "Mechanics". His often-reluctant companion is the foreign ambassador Hannah Dundee. She hires J...

6.00 6.80 49

Entertaining misadventures of a four year old boy named Caillou, where each day he discovers something new and interesting with his mommy, daddy, and Rosie. Between Caillou segments are segments featu...

7.20 6.50 28

John was a dedicated leader of Camp Candy, a summer camp that is presumably built by him, and he tries to get various kids to get along. Some episodes focused on John, namely having to stave off the b...

6.90 7.80 47

A Nebraska farm is also home to a family of mice, including young Max. While Max was on a trip outside to gather some corn, exterminators arrived to eliminate the mice. Once Max noticed the exterminat...

7.90 7.20 39

Captain Horatio Pugwash sails the high seas in his ship, the Black Pig, ably assisted by Tom the cabin boy Tom, pirates Willy and Barnabas, and Master Mate. His mortal enemy is Cut-Throat Jake, captai...

6.70 6.40 42

During the monkey-manned spaceflights of the 1960s, one rocket veered off course, sending a chimp named Charlie off into the outer reaches of space. After many years, Charlie’s craft was discovered ...

7.60 7.80 51

The story of Captain Star involves the crew of the rocket ship Boiling Hell, who have been ordered to a deserted planet known only as "The Nameless Planet" at the Ragged Edge of the Universe. The ship...

7.40 6.40 49