David and Lisa chronicles the exciting global adventures of David and his wife, Lisa. As they journey around the world, their primary mission is to save animals in peril and confront various trolls th...

7.00 6.50 57

Dino Babies is a British animated series that follows the adventures of six young dinosaurs. The show focuses on their playful and imaginative stories as they navigate their prehistoric world. Each ep...

7.50 7.00 58

The series centers on Delilah and Julius, two highly trained young adults who were orphaned as children of special agents. They graduated from the Academy, a training facility led by the free-spirited...

7.30 6.20 56

The series is set in Baby Nick's house, where his babysitter takes care of him and his best friend, Baby Patrice, while his mom is away. The trio often finds themselves bored, leading them to watch an...

6.20 7.90 55

Ernie Devlin is a motorcycle stunt rider who performs in a traveling circus owned by Hank McSummers. His siblings, Tod and Sandy, assist him in preparing for his stunts and accompany him on his advent...

7.90 6.80 39

In the initial episode, "Lost My Marbles," Hacker infects Motherboard with a computer virus. While examining a computer at a library on Earth, Jackie, Matt, and Inez (who inadvertently released the vi...

8.00 7.10 33

Dinosaur Planet is a four-part animated series that follows the lives of four dinosaurs living in different parts of the prehistoric world. These dinosaurs include a female Velociraptor in Asia, a you...

7.90 6.70 51

Dexter, a brilliant boy with glasses, hides a secret laboratory behind a bookcase in his bedroom. He accesses the lab using spoken passwords or hidden switches on his bookshelf. Despite his intelligen...

6.10 7.00 51

The show revolves around two girls, the ditzy blonde Sandy and the intelligent brunette Monica, who live with their uncle, Dudley. Sandy acquires a small puppy named Dinky, which unexpectedly grows to...

6.80 6.70 58

Di Gata Defenders was a television series that aired from 2007 to 2009 in various parts of the world. It featured six main characters and numerous antagonists. The Di Gata Defenders were four teenager...

6.70 6.90 56

The series follows the life of Dilbert, a middle-aged office worker who is highly intelligent in electrical engineering. Despite his superior intelligence compared to his incompetent coworkers, Dilber...

7.50 7.50 38

Shorty McShorts is a young boy who is hesitant to share his secret power with his friends and family. This power allows him to control the consistency of his stool. Shorty McShorts is considered an ex...

6.50 6.60 45