The show's main character is a dog named Dudley Puppy (voiced by iCarly's Jerry Trainor), who works as a secret agent for an organization called T.U.F.F. (Turbo Undercover Fighting Force). His partner...

6.40 6.80 86

This animated adventure series of Bruce Wayne, billionaire by day, crime fighter by night, starts as Wayne balances life as a free-wheeling bachelor, with his role as the Caped Crusader. He's joined o...

6.60 6.40 81

First appearing in The Brave and the Bold #28 (February/March 1960), the League originally appeared with a line-up that included Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash (Barry Allen), Green Lantern (Hal...

7.60 6.60 76

The series is a continuation of its predecessor, taking up soon after Justice League ended. It features a greatly expanded League, in which the characters from the original series—now referred to as...

6.50 6.40 94

Godzilla: The Series is an American animated television series which originally aired on Fox Kids in the United States. The show premiered on September 12, 1998, and is a direct continuation of the 19...

7.40 6.70 79

The adventures of the minor villain Kite Man as he commits crimes to support the purchase of Noonan's, Gotham's seediest dive bar. ...

7.30 109

The following is an episode list for the animated television series Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles which premiered in 1987. In total 193 episodes aired between 1987 and 1996. The first three seasons wer...

6.50 6.40 48

Phantom 2040 is a half hour cartoon based on Lee Falk's original character, but in the year 2040. This animation is produced by the Hearst Entertainment, Inc . Co. It is the 24th Phantom who is, of co...

8.00 7.10 50

The series is set all over the world in both real countries as well as many fictitious ones. Tintin lives in Brussels, the capital of Belgium. The actual nations featured include Belgium, Switzerland,...

6.80 6.60 39

The show focuses on four teenagers Fred, Daphne, Velma, and Shaggy, and their talking dog named Scooby-Doo, who travel in their van, named The Mystery Machine, bumping into and solving mysteries. Once...

7.40 7.70 46

Mike Tyson Mysteries is a television show in which retired boxer Mike Tyson leads a gang of mystery-solvers including an Asian teenage girl who is also Tyson’s foster daughter, a ghost, and an anthr...

6.10 7.20 55

Ex New York mobster Jimmy Falcone joins the Witness Protection Program and is relocated, with his family, to Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada....

6.10 6.30 35