Cow and Chicken are brother and sister, who have human parents whose faces are never seen in an episode. In the pilot episode No Smoking, their bodies have no upper halves. In episode "Cow and Chicken...

7.40 7.40 74

Godzilla: The Series is an American animated television series which originally aired on Fox Kids in the United States. The show premiered on September 12, 1998, and is a direct continuation of the 19...

7.40 6.70 79

Plot Summary: Golion, a powerful sentient robot, abuses his great powers by attacking and killing creatures known as Deathblack Beastmen, boasting that no one could defeat him. A divine space being pu...

7.70 6.60 68

Will Serfort dreams of keeping his promise to a childhood friend by becoming a Magia Vander, one of the mighty magicians who sit atop the Wizard's Tower. However, he is unable to cast even the simples...

7.44 8.12 153

After dying of overwork in Japan, Dahlia is reborn into a world filled with magic. Raised by a master of magical toolmaking, she develops a passion for the craft and becomes engaged to her father's ap...

7.40 137

A god was suddenly prostrating in front of Kayano Takumi. He was apparently killed by a mistake. Moreover, he can't be reborn again. However, according to god, he would be able to live in a different ...

7.12 6.77 214

Meet Kaito Takagi, your typical high schooler with a low profile. He spends his days exploring dungeons in Japan, hunting slimes for some extra cash. On the side, he quietly admires his childhood frie...

5.13 6.21 147

In a world where humans triumphed in a great war, Kai guards sealed crypts containing their enemies. But when “World Rebirth” overwrites history, he’s thrust into an alternate reality where huma...

8.30 8.40 115

Ten-year-old Hazel Wells has just moved to the big city of Dimmadelphia because of her dad's new job. On top of being in an unfamiliar environment, it's the first time she's been without her brother, ...

6.70 101

The adventures of the minor villain Kite Man as he commits crimes to support the purchase of Noonan's, Gotham's seediest dive bar. ...

7.30 109

Tater, a quirky girl with ambitious dreams for her future and only one summer to sort them out, finds her plans disrupted when her mom unexpectedly invites all 12 of her cousins to visit. ...

5.10 75

Thrasher and Blastus are two outsider robots that live on the planet of Insanus (originally called Killglobe). Insanus is a planet inhabited by murderous robots who seek to kill one another for no app...

7.90 6.10 30