Kion, the son of Simba, leads his friends known as the Lion Guard to protect the Pride Lands. The Lion Guard follows Simba's son, Kion, as he assembles a group of animals to protect the Pride Lands kn...

7.80 6.60 55

The series describes the adventures of five young knights: Aaron, Clay, Lance, Macy'a and Axl who protect Knighton from Jestro, the Book of Monsters and their army of lava monsters. They also help the...

7.80 6.10 61

Eep, Grug, Thunk, Ugga, Sandy and Gran are back. Follow them as they meet new friends, outrun new creatures and encounter "firsts" the world has never seen - such as school, slumber parties, hiccups a...

6.40 7.90 58

Possessed with super strength and the ability to fly, Atom Ant was no ordinary insect. When law enforcement agencies faced a problem they couldn't handle themselves, they turned to Atom Ant for help....

6.50 7.20 51

The cartoon featured a large mangy dog named Precious Pupp and his owner Granny Sweet. Granny was a kindly woman with a passion for motorcycles, completely oblivious to the fact that her beloved, affe...

6.70 6.60 45

It shows a family of bears that live in the countryside, enjoy peace and quiet and are always defending their lands from possible invaders, shooting their rifles at anything that moves...

6.10 6.80 52

Based on the comic book series of the same name, Archie Andrews and the gang tackle "weird mysteries" and write about them in the school newspaper...

7.60 7.00 60

Fourteen-year-old Penny Proud is growing up! She's trying to gain her independence and faces typical teenage experiences in junior high. With the help of her parents, Trudy and Oscar, and her grandma,...

7.60 6.10 56

A lower middle class family living in the 1970s....

7.50 6.10 57

In the year 1866, a mysterious sea-monster is hunting the depths of the oceans and rising only to attack and destroy innocent ships at a cost of many lives. Experts around the world are trying to disc...

8.00 7.80 49

A new take on the classic Secret Squirrel series, this incarnation takes Secret and Morocco Mole through a series of adventures fighting villains, ranging from a Queen Bee to a Quark. Secret and Moroc...

8.00 6.30 52

John Blackstar is an astronaut stranded on the planet Sagar where, with the help of the native Trobbits, the shape-changing Klone, the dragon Warlock, and Mara the Enchantress, Blackstar opposes the O...

6.80 7.70 41