Twelve-year-old Cornelius Fillmore (voiced by Orlando Brown), once a juvenile delinquent with a criminal history, was caught stealing a shipment of chalk from the school. He was "arrested" by a safety...

7.10 7.20 39

Finley the Fire Engine is a 2001 CGI children's cartoon series created by Balley Beg animation studios in Douglas, Isle of Man. The show revolves around talking vehicles in the imaginary town of Frien...

7.80 7.70 52

Fireball XL5 was one of the interplanetary rockets tasked with defending Sector 25 of the Solar System from alien invasions under the authority of the World Space Patrol. The ship was commanded by Ste...

7.50 6.20 54

Inspector Gill, a fish detective, maneuvers through an underwater city, solving Mafia-related crimes while steering clear of the temptations of the vamp Angel Jones and dodging the pressures of marria...

7.90 7.30 55

The core narrative centers on Flash and his allies as they journey to Mongo, where they are compelled to fight against its tyrant, Ming the Merciless, his daughter Princess Aura, and his Metal Men arm...

6.70 6.90 52

A journey featuring a spherical flying creature. ...

7.40 6.80 56

This series follows four friends at Rhino Junior High using their brains and brawn to deal with problems created by their nemesis Earl P. Sidebottom A.K.A The Phantom, who can transpose the school to ...

8.00 6.10 50

In the town of Willowby, a tall, slender blue dog named Foofur (voiced by Frank Welker) has taken up residence in a mansion at 32 Maple Street, which is also where he was born. Foofur's companions inc...

6.40 7.90 30

In the town of Willowby, a tall, slender blue dog named Foofur (voiced by Frank Welker) has taken up residence in a mansion at 32 Maple Street, which is also where he was born. Foofur's companions inc...

7.60 7.00 29

The series focuses on Ben Bones, an undead skeleton. Along with his friends, Lenny and Priscilla, they are to protect Freaktown against a massive makeover of the cute and cuddly kind, courtesy of Prin...

6.60 6.80 26

Animated show on Showtime. Lasted one season. About a college guy, his friend who won a lawsuit, his friend's ferret, his friend who he wants more than a friend, his grandma, and his dad....

8.00 6.20 51

Freefonix have discovered a sophisticated way of fighting their battles against rival band Mantyz, by using the power of the Thirteenth Note, an awesome force that can bend space and minds when the pe...

6.70 7.10 34