Flash Gordon and his son Rick flee from Ming the Merciless, who has depleted his planet Mongo's resources and seeks to exploit Earth. Ming attempts to brainwash Flash's wife, Dale Arden, but she resis...

7.50 6.90 61

Claire, Luna, Martin, and Philip are four "anti" superheroes in their early twenties, endowed with paranormal powers. They are humanity's last hope against the "Rifters," enigmatic entities aiming to ...

6.50 7.30 52

In the 22nd century, in New London, Inspector Beth Lestrade of New Scotland Yard is on the trail of the grotesquely deformed French rogue geneticist Martin Fenwick. During her pursuit, she uncovers th...

7.00 6.10 59

Danger Mouse is a classic animated series that follows the adventures of the world’s greatest secret agent mouse, Danger Mouse, and his bumbling sidekick, Penfold. Operating under the command of Col...

6.40 6.10 49

Darkwing Duck follows the adventures of the titular superhero, Darkwing Duck, who is also known as Drake Mallard in his secret identity. He lives a dual life: as a superhero fighting crime in the city...

6.40 6.30 56

In the initial episode, "Lost My Marbles," Hacker infects Motherboard with a computer virus. While examining a computer at a library on Earth, Jackie, Matt, and Inez (who inadvertently released the vi...

8.00 7.10 32

Dexter, a brilliant boy with glasses, hides a secret laboratory behind a bookcase in his bedroom. He accesses the lab using spoken passwords or hidden switches on his bookshelf. Despite his intelligen...

6.10 7.00 50

Two groups of alien warriors crash on Earth: one benevolent, resembling herbivorous dinosaurs, and the other malevolent, resembling carnivorous dinosaurs. The herbivorous aliens team up with Earth chi...

7.20 7.00 42

A group of cyborgs defends Limbo from Mon Star and his gang. ...

6.30 7.60 36

Human Valorians, chased by the intergalactic warlord Krulos and his Rulons, escape through a wormhole and land on prehistoric Earth. Krulos follows them but becomes trapped in the past as well. Both s...

6.70 7.60 33

The animated sci-fi series is based on Duck Dodgers, the alter ego of Looney Tunes star Daffy Duck. In this series, Duck Dodgers is portrayed as a semi-heroic yet often inept space captain. ...

7.90 6.60 48

In this animated series from Walt Disney, Scrooge McDuck, along with Huey, Dewey, and Louie, embarks on a variety of exciting adventures. ...

6.60 6.30 61