The Yu-Gi-Oh! anime series is back with a new adventure! Go Rush!! began airing in Japan on April 3, 2022 as the seventh spin-off series and the eighth anime series overall. Yu-Gi-Oh! Sevens, the seri...

0 2024-07-02

Get ready for excitement in the Pokémon world with a brand new anime series! Pokémon Horizons: The Series, the first episode of which aired in Japan on April 14, 2023 and is considered the 26th seas...

0 2024-07-03

Bluey: A 2018 Australian animated series about the adventures of Bluey, a 6-year-old Blue Heeler puppy, which began airing in Australia and quickly took the world by storm....

0 2024-07-02

From humble beginnings in 1989 to an animated series that has become a cornerstone of popular culture. The Simpsons remains one of the world's most iconic television programs, entertaining and thought...

0 2024-07-03

Mayonaka Punch is an original anime television series animated by P.A. Works and produced by Kadokawa Corporation. Airing on July 8, 2024 in Japan, the anime blends comedy, fantasy, and supernatural g...

0 2024-07-03

VTuber Legend: How I Went Viral after Forgetting to Turn Off My Stream is a funny and inspiring anime about how an ordinary day turned into a legend through an unexpected accident. Our story, Live On,...

0 2024-07-05

We have exciting news! The original anime series Na-nare Hana-nare will premiere in 2024. ...

0 2024-07-02

Yusei Matsui's popular manga series The Elusive Samurai is returning in 2024 with both an anime series and an ongoing manga series. This exciting news will thrill fans of the series and new viewers al...

0 2024-07-01

Off & Monster Season consists of two main stories: Orokamonogatari and Shinzoku Monogatari. Orokamonogatari tells the story of Koyomi's sister Tsukihi Araragi's adventure in middle school. Shinzoku Mo...

0 2024-07-02

Dahlia in Bloom: Crafting a Fresh Start with Magical Tools is a Japanese light novel series written by Hisaya Amagishi and illustrated by Kei....

0 2024-07-01

Shoshimin: How to Be Ordinary is an anime series based on the novel series by Honobu Yonezawa and produced by Lapin Track. Released in 2024, the series follows the adventures of Jōgorō Kobato and Yu...

0 2024-07-03

Wistoria: Wand and Sword is a Japanese fantasy manga series set in 2024, written by Fujino Omori and illustrated by Toshi Aoi. The series is serialized in the shonen genre in Kodansha's Bessatsu Shōn...

0 2024-07-04