2.5-jigen no Ririsa is a new anime that presents an unusual story set in both a real and two-dimensional world. When Ririsa steps from the anime world into the real world, she struggles to understand ...
0 2024-08-11The new anime series 2.5-jigen no Ririsa offers viewers a unique journey through a world full of both romance and comedy. The story centers on our main character Ririsa's transition to the real world ...
0 2024-08-10Dead Dead Demons Dededede Destruction offers viewers an anime experience full of both suspense and humor. This manga adaptation presents an extraordinary story set in a future where aliens have invade...
0 2024-08-11The new anime series Dead Dead Demons Dededede Destruction successfully blends both comedy and science fiction elements, offering viewers a unique experience. This series, which has gained a lot of at...
0 2024-08-10Rick and Morty: The Anime is a Japanese anime adaptation of the globally recognized and beloved Rick and Morty series. This special anime adaptation breathes new life into the absurd and hilarious adv...
0 2024-08-11The popular American animated sci-fi comedy Rick and Morty returns, this time with a new version in Japanese animation style: Rick and Morty: The Anime. This Japanese adaptation of the beloved sci-fi ...
0 2024-08-10The new anime Ramen Akaneko offers viewers an immersive story of fantastic and mysterious events that take place in a ramen restaurant. The main character, Akaneko, may look like just an ordinary rame...
0 2024-08-11The new anime series Ramen Akaneko invites viewers into a fun and mysterious story set in the heart of Japanese cuisine. This extraordinary anime follows the adventures of our protagonist Akaneko, who...
0 2024-08-10I Parry Everything is an exciting anime that takes viewers to the pinnacle of the defensive arts. Our main character stands out as a master of defense who can successfully parry all attacks, and this ...
0 2024-08-11The new anime series I Parry Everything takes viewers into the action-packed world of an extraordinary hero. Our main character is a martial artist who can repel any attack with his unique ability. Th...
0 2024-08-10Hop attracts attention as a fascinating anime series. Our main character lives an ordinary life and one day finds himself in a completely different and fantastic world. This new world is full of the s...
0 2024-08-11The new anime series Hop invites viewers to a magical world that will push the limits of imagination. This colorful and exciting anime follows our main character as she steps out of her ordinary life ...
0 2024-08-10