The plot takes place during the Hundred Years' War between France and England for the right to the French crown in the fifteenth century. At a school for royal knights, Montmorency—the son of a nobl...

5.30 5.33 370

Nemeses are strong, enigmatic demons that appear from the sky and evaporate all they touch. Only Sorcerers, individuals who have survived a confrontation with a Nemesis but were infected in the proces...

6.70 6.87 380

In the animated series, Iro, Jo, Tetsuo, and Neeko are the four heroic Chop Chops, each with unique abilities and characteristics. Together, they are destined to protect their vibrant world of Rizon f...

6.20 362

Subaru Natsuki finally gets a moment to relax and eagerly prepares for a date with his beloved Emilia. He explores the nearby village to find the perfect spot, enlisting the help of local children to ...

7.35 7.57 197

Subaru Natsuki is excited for a date with Emilia. He explores the village to find a perfect spot and prepares for the date with help from the children. However, the weather turns cold, forcing him to ...

7.34 7.51 209

Misaki Yata, a young man known for his impulsive and immature behavior, is ostracized by his classmates. Saruhiko Fushimi, a solitary figure with a pessimistic outlook on life, finds himself drawn to ...

7.38 7.44 196

Misaki Yata, a young man known for his impulsive and immature behavior, is ostracized by his classmates. Saruhiko Fushimi, a solitary figure with a pessimistic outlook on life, finds himself drawn to ...

7.23 7.44 134

Takato Saij, who has been acting since he was a little child, has won the title of "sexiest man of the year" in the entertainment business five times in a row. However, a youthful newbie actor named J...

7.30 7.41 464

A penguin named Chitose-chan resides in Kyoto. Her favorite activity is interacting with people and being served delectable food while she wanders around the streets of Kyoto. From the perspective of ...

7.50 6.69 445

Hitomi Tsukishiro, a teenage witch from a witch family in the year 2078, lost her ability to perceive color as she lost the people she held dear. Kohaku Tsukishiro, Hitomi's grandmother, sends her 60 ...

7.30 7.52 748

Corruption abounds in Naples, a coastal city; the police openly collaborate with criminals, drugs are readily available to young people, and the mafia rules the streets with an iron hand. However, a n...

8.40 8.58 477

We begin in the lovely Dahlia Academy, where two nations that are equal in dignity—the "Black Doggies" of the Eastern Nation of Touwa and the "White Cats" of the Principality of West—come together...

7.20 7.45 435