Eager to know why her best friend’s boyfriend dumped her for a man, the headstrong Eiya Arakawa suggests a meeting with them. Gathered together at a café, Yuuga Oota agrees to answer Eiya’s quest...

5.80 5.94 624

Hisone Amakasu, a straightforward and naive rookie in the Self-Defense Force, is based in the Gifu Base of the Air Self-Defense Force. She struggled with the reality that she occasionally causes harm ...

6.90 7.32 418

Sousuke Sagara, a young soldier, has been protecting Kaname Chidori secretly for nine months now. Mithril has been remarkably successful in thwarting Amalgam's attempts during that time, but this has ...

7.50 7.58 558

Detective Conan investigates an explosion that occurs on the opening day of a large Tokyo resort and convention center. ...

6.20 6.10 130

Butlers: They are keepers of a long past and a predetermined end. Jay coexisted peacefully with his younger sister Tenna and Hayakawa, another Butler. But those calm times abruptly came to an end. Jay...

5.00 5.65 448

Magic users who defeated "Spiral"—monsters called from isolation—were referred to as "Period." A 14-year-old apprentice named Period Haru, who is a member of the Eighth Arc-end Division, is compel...

6.38 433

Rintarou Okabe, the eccentric and self-described mad scientist, has diminished significantly. After failing to save his friend Makise Kurisu, he became depressed and traumatized and made the decision ...

8.30 8.22 390

A self-described "crazy scientist" by the name of Rintaro Okabe thinks that SERN, a global scientific organization, is planning to restructure the world to suit its own purposes. Together with his fri...

8.40 8.52 399

Gregorio "Gure" Valentino, Tokitaka Nagae, and Tsubaki Nakao assist Kyousui "Sui" Tougoku in managing the traditional Japanese-style coffeehouse Rokuhoudou, which he inherits from his grandpa. Without...

7.90 7.62 425

A science-fiction comedy where various pro sports bounty hunters fight each other in sporting events. The story centers on Arigetti, Korupi, and Sabina, three women in a team who participate in variou...

3.15 378

A peaceful story involving two boys with quite different upbringings. On the one side, there is Kai, a prostitute's kid who has played an abandoned piano in a nearby woodland since he was a tiny child...

7.20 7.31 404

Why should women enjoy themselves more than men? According to the pink wombat that bestows their magical abilities on them, these magical boys are here to defend the world from the heartless. The p...

6.48 477