"Hua Jianghu Zhi Huan Shi Men Sheng" (also known as "Painting Rivers and Lakes" or "The King of the Water Margin") is a Chinese animated series that delves into the genres of fantasy and action. Se...

6.47 476

In a prologue to the first episode, Sakura transforms all the cards and has to bid her friend Shaoran farewell because he's going back to China. Life is returning to normal when the Sakura Card Arc i...

7.90 7.77 454

A prologue to the first episode, Sakura finished transforming all the cards, and now she needs to say goodbye to her friend Shaoran who is returning to China. ...

7.80 7.60 162

Sebastian, a young orphan living in the Alps, and Belle, a large, white Great Pyrenees, go on a number of exciting adventures together around the mountains....

7.60 259

An alien cop from the distant Reticulum star system is forced on a dangerous deep space mission. ...

3.01 539

In the distant future, humanity has been able to go beyond the Solar System thanks to the discovery of the new material orichalt (, Oriharuto). Humanity has created I-Machines (I, I mashin), enormous ...

6.20 6.54 345

The Class 1-A students at U.A. High School have reached summer vacation. Izuku Midoriya goes with his master All Might to a festival honoring superheroes on I-Island, a remote area set aside for study...

5.60 454

A young Shirou Emiya and his adoptive father Kiritsugu travel to Fuyuki in order to investigate the Sakatsuki family, who are rumored to be harboring a child with powerful magic abilities....

6.05 246

Li Mingyang began as a typical office employee. He was imprisoned in a murderous city as a result of a mysterious QR code. Here, everyone is compelled to take part in a survival game where the winner ...

6.06 429

The major plot of Qiang Niang is on the protagonist Carrie's search for herself and the account of her ultimate "Awakening," having lost her war memories. Half of the world's population will have peri...

5.45 499

It’s summer, and Norimichi Shimada and his friends want to know if fireworks look round or flat from the side. They forge a plan to find the answer at Moshimo Festival’s fireworks display. However...

5.50 6.08 448

The three 13-year-old incompetent anthropomorphic dinosaurs Herby, Kirbie, and Burt are the stars of the show and are lauded as heroes for saving Earth from extinction. The television series is set fa...

5.70 328