A goddess named Aqua offers to reincarnate Kazuma Sato, a Japanese teenage NEET who lives alone, in a parallel world with MMORPG aspects where he can embark on quests and fight monsters, after his unt...

7.80 8.55 1149

The inhabitants of a four-island archipelago south of Japan are now able to fly freely thanks to the development of anti-gravitational shoes known as Grav-Shoes. This invention has given the people ne...

6.30 6.66 459

The inhabitants of a four-island archipelago south of Japan are now able to fly freely thanks to the development of anti-gravitational shoes known as Grav-Shoes. This invention has given the populace ...

6.30 6.65 505

By mistake entering a female dormitory's bathing area, Lux, a former prince of the Arcadia empire that was overthrown by a rebellion five years previously, finds the kingdom's new princess Lisesharte ...

6.30 6.55 403

It is the year 1983. The human race is being attacked as the Cold War is in full swing. Strange aliens known as "BETA" have come to Earth with the intention of wiping out all life. The front line is g...

6.00 6.75 308

"Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash" (also known as "Hai to Gensou no Grimgar") is a fantasy anime series that focuses on the struggles and survival of a group of people in a fantasy world. Unlike many other ...

7.40 7.65 454

In the year 2072, a network of cross-dimensional electric-field inductors, or "coils," that draw energy from a seemingly limitless source appear to have solved the world's energy issues. Beyond the X,...

6.80 7.20 495

Four high school boys who are all pals are followed in the manga. They simply enjoy hanging out together and do not belong to any clubs. The main character, Natsuki, is a hopeless romantic who has fee...

6.80 7.29 401

Nijiiro Days covers the colorful lives and romantic relationships of four high school boys: Natsuki Hashiba, a romantic idealist; Tomoya Matsunaga, a narcissistic playboy; Keiichi Katakura, a kinky sa...

6.80 7.28 443

Komugi-chan and her opponents will be shown juggling their daily lives as students, idols, and magical girls in the new "slapstick" story "with laughter and tears." The spiritedness of second-year ...

6.10 5.98 418