Shirayuki, whose name translates to "snow white," is a cheery, red-haired young woman who tirelessly works as an apothecary at her herbal business in Tanbarun. When Prince Raji, the foolish prince of ...

7.70 7.76 474

"Million Doll" is a music, idol-themed anime series that aired in 2015. The series is based on the manga of the same name by Ai. The story revolves around Suuko, an introverted girl who has the abi...

7.90 4.77 446

A Full-Dive Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game, or DMMORPG, called YGGDRASIL was released in 2126 and set itself apart from all other DMMORPGs by offering a very high level of player inter...

7.70 7.92 439

Golden Darkness, a cold-blooded assassin who can shift, comes back to delve deeper into the mysteries of her new existence as a dark Nemesis manipulates Mea, her younger sister, from the shadows. This...

7.00 7.45 390

Shirayuki is a typical herbalist in the Tanbarun kingdom with one distinctive quality: her stunning red hair, which draws a lot of attention. Shirayuki was taught to always be cautious while revealing...

7.70 7.76 370

Futaba Ichinose, a rookie voice actor who dreams of breaking into the top tier of professionals, scrambles around in search of auditions and performance opportunities. She attempts to develop her own ...

6.98 7.04 408

Golden Darkness, a cold-blooded assassin who can shift, comes back to delve deeper into the mysteries of her new existence as a dark Nemesis manipulates Mea, her younger sister, from the shadows. This...

7.00 7.45 452

Lego Star Wars: Droid Tales began shortly after the Battle of Endor. C-3PO and R2-D2 tell those assembled around them about the story that led them both to the battle. According to The Hollywood Repor...

6.70 6.70 75

Murasaki Wakako, a 26-year-old woman, enjoys dining and drinking alone, particularly when something upsetting occurs at work. In several solitary outings where she savors various concoctions of food a...

6.80 6.63 330

According to an old myth, when the Demon God returns, the Goddess of Fate will choose six heroes, known as the Braves of the Six Flowers, and give them the ability to rebel against the demons who want...

6.90 7.29 403

In the heart of the Shouwa era, avarice is prevalent throughout the nation's bustling cities and towns. Enma Daiou, the King of Hell, calls a representative—a little boy named Kurayami Santa—into ...

6.50 5.17 552

The Goddess of Fate selects six individuals, known as the Braves of the Six Flowers, to vanquish the Demon God. They suspect that one of the heroes is a fake and is on the Demon God's side because the...

6.90 7.29 466