The TV series is an ensemble comedy revolving around Sonic and his friends Tails, Knuckles, Amy and Sticks that pokes fun at action-adventure storytelling, but still manages to deliver plenty of adren...

6.90 7.90 64

In the sequel to DADDY, I'M A ZOMBIE, the fate of the planet is again in Dixie's hands as she fights to end a battle between the living and the dead, while also balancing her popularity and campaignin...

4.50 4.40 130

With the assistance of numerous filmmakers and studios, Nihon Animator Mihonichi is a collaborative series of stand-alone animation shorts. These brief animations, which aim to introduce up-and-coming...

5.90 7.34 371

The film starts with invasions of India by Mughal and Turkish kings. Guru Tegh Bahadur (9th Guru of Sikhs) sacrificed his life for the human rights and freedom of religion of Kashmiri pandits. Then, G...

7.70 7.60 100

Kyle Lipton was a normal 12-year-old kid, until an portal opened and dropped a pair of "The Dimensionpants". When he wears them, he becomes a superhero called Dr. Dimensionpants. Now Kyle has all the ...

7.00 6.70 62

Yoji and Kei, a boy and girl, live in a town in the not-so-distant future with their foster parent, Anna. But these seemingly ordinary children have a secret hidden even from their unsuspecting mother...

6.00 6.42 454

The Hybrid Child is a remarkable android that can develop if its owner gives it enough attention and love. The numerous Hybrid Child types, which are neither fully human nor fully artificial, form clo...

7.30 7.55 433

Mike Tyson Mysteries is a television show in which retired boxer Mike Tyson leads a gang of mystery-solvers including an Asian teenage girl who is also Tyson’s foster daughter, a ghost, and an anthr...

6.10 7.20 64

Set in the future, Major Lazer is a Jamaican superhero with a laser gun for a right hand who fights against the dystopian forces led by Jamaica's leader President Whitewall and his servant General Rub...

7.90 6.60 65

Set in the whimsical fictional city of Cheeseburger Island, the series follows the comedic misadventures of two ducks, Whit and Clay. Alongside their quirky friends—Barf and Dottie, the bumbling Off...

6.70 7.10 59

Cardfight!! Vanguard G follows the story of Chrono Shindo, a middle school student who has chosen a path of chronic boredom and loneliness. However, that all changes when he finds a Gear Chronicle dec...

6.50 6.70 67