Squidbillies is an American animated television series on Cartoon Network's late night programming block, Adult Swim. An unofficial pilot for the series aired on April 1, 2005, the series later made i...

7.10 6.80 48

Yukari is a typical high school girl who goes to school each day and pays attention to her parents. She comes across a group of fashion design students who have a garment line called "Paradise Kiss" a...

7.70 7.85 421

A cataclysmic pan-dimensional conflict between the two dominating "time-spaces" of the cosmos is happening fifteen years from now. These are Shangri-La, another potential dimension that could exist fi...

7.50 7.58 327

Four friends decide to take part in a bravery test at their neighborhood cemetery during their final summer of elementary school. Haruka Kaminogi tries one last time to free Yuu Gotou from his dominee...

7.50 7.58 346

A boy named Kenji and his childhood companion Nanami are the subjects of Lamune's tale. Despite the fact that everyone seems to be aware of their relationship, neither of them is eager to push it any ...

6.50 6.80 404

Mao Ran appears to be a typical attractive girl at first, but she is a master of a martial art passed down through the Mao family. She gets fooled by her grandfather one day and made to compete in the...

4.80 6.56 437

Tazusa Sakurano, a figure skater, is headed straight for the Olympics. Her hopes as a major candidate depend on one contest in Canada. She stumbles and hurts her head on the ice during her program, re...

7.50 7.31 473

The protagonists of the narrative are Canadian stunt pilot Pete Pumps and Japanese figure skater Tazusa Sakurano. Tazusa loses consciousness after collapsing in the middle of a Triple Lutz during a qu...

7.50 7.31 426

"Blood+" is an anime series that follows the story of Saya Otonashi, a seemingly ordinary girl suffering from amnesia, who lives with her adoptive family and can't recall anything beyond the past year...

7.60 7.63 86

It is difficult to distinguish which people in a city in the future plagued by disasters and with a widening wealth disparity are wearing cybernetic body parts. This makes Roy Revant's job as a hired ...

7.20 7.26 397

The events of My-Otome take place on the planet Earl, which was inhabited by people from Earth millennia ago, in the far-off future. Nanomachines, which enable female virgins to assume the role of Mei...

7.20 7.29 417

A long-running struggle between people who live in the Crimson Realm, a parallel dimension to the human world, is described in Shakugan no Shana. Crimson Denizens, who can control the Power of Existen...

7.00 7.47 381