In 1939, Danny, an optimistic young cat, dreams of Hollywood stardom, so he travels from his hometown of Kokomo, Indiana to Hollywood in hopes of starting a career there. After meeting a new friend Pu...

6.90 6.80 95

"Jungle de Ikou!" (also known as "Jungre de Ikou") is a three-episode Original Video Animation (OVA) series released in 1997. It blends comedy, fantasy, and ecchi elements in an over-the-top, humorous...

5.80 5.33 405

Humans live in a gloomy, oppressive planet that is actually dominated by strong beings known as the Darkstalkers. These entities are constantly at war with one another in an effort to prove who is the...

6.50 6.59 555

Continued from the OVAs: When Fujisawa abandons Miz at the altar because he gets cold feet, an angry Priestess sends Makoto and his companions to find him. In the process of identifying the unfortunat...

6.70 6.81 407

In the year 2015, more than a decade has passed since the catastrophic event known as Second Impact befell mankind. During this time of recovery, a select few learned of beings known as the Angels—c...

7.23 7.47 186

"Kero Kero Chime" is a fantasy, comedy anime series based on the manga of the same name by Harumi Takano. The story follows Aoi, a normal boy who is cursed to transform into a frog whenever he gets...

6.48 450

After Daria borrows a pencil from him, Kevin thinks she is trying to get with him. After he confronts her about it, Daria pretends she likes him just to mess with him. ...

7.10 7.10 45

Honey Kisaragi visits her father on her sixteenth birthday. He nevertheless arrives hurt and fleeing. A gang of thugs and a monster appear out of nowhere. Seiji Hayama, a detective, saves Honey and he...

7.10 6.63 459

A race of underground alien monsters known as the Zonders appear in the year 2005 and begin attacking the city of Tokyo. The magnificent enormous robot GaoGaiGar, created by the covert organization kn...

8.10 7.82 327

"Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz" is a three-episode OVA (original video animation) series that serves as a sequel to the "Mobile Suit Gundam Wing" TV series. It was later compiled into a theat...

7.70 7.74 417

Ayane Mitsui is a 17-year-old extremely athletic high school girl who aspires to be a professional wrestler like her idol Manami Toyota of the All Japan Women's Pro-Wrestling circuit. But despite nume...

5.50 5.83 541

King of the Hill is an American animated sitcom that follows the lives of the Hill family, a working-class family in the fictional town of Arlen, Texas. Created by Mike Judge and Greg Daniels, the ser...

8.00 7.60 59