"Legend of the Dragon Kings" (known as "Souryuuden" in Japan) is a fantasy and supernatural anime series based on the Japanese novel series of the same name. The story revolves around the four Ryud...

7.40 6.50 767

Plot Summary: Hoichiro Ohma works in an office. Everybody knows him as a silent, humble man. Even his girlfriend, Nanase, doesn't suspect that he could be something more, but he is. When a person dies...

7.50 7.10 35

At the dawn of time, the gods ruled the universe under the leadership of the mighty Tentei. But suddenly, the ferocious general, Taishakuten, appears, and destroys Tentei. Taishakuten declares that a ...

5.90 6.09 373

boxing, softball, and high school romance stories. The love triangle between Nakasato Minatsu, Akiba Shuu, and Kadomatsu Naoto is the main subject of this comic. Minatsu, a softball player, is mistake...

7.70 6.46 420

The Knight Sabers' story continues as they search for the perpetrator(s) of a recent spate of robberies, killings, and Boomer malfunctions that appear to be connected to the development of an advanced...

6.40 6.56 455

Three years have passed since the Principality of Zeon's defeat at the end of the One Year War in the year 0083 of the Universal Century. A crew of Zeon remnants known as the Delaz Fleet attacks the T...

7.80 7.26 466

Noboru Takizawa enrolls in a school where fights are the only means of resolving conflicts. He swiftly comes into conflict with Sabur Ibuki, the school bully, who squares off against "God's Hall Monit...

6.10 6.61 457

Jon now recognizes that he needs a life, an escape from his boring existence as the guy who arranges his sock drawer. Garfield found a book called ''How to Make Friends and Fool the Rest''. He tries t...

7.21 7.18 191

After a hard night's work, Father Christmas decides to go on a "blooming vacation", builds his sledge into a caravan and holidays in France, Scotland and Las Vegas before coming home and settling down...

7.04 185

As the City Hunter, a "sweeper" (private detective) who patrols the streets of Tokyo, Ryo Saeba is back. He and his sidekick Kaori Makimura are recruited to help needy people with their difficulties. ...

7.80 7.75 438

Dinosaurs portrays the life of a dinosaur family living in a modern world, complete with TVs, refrigerators, and other modern conveniences. The only humans present are cavemen, who are regarded as pet...

6.00 6.80 39

Teenage criminal Saki Asamiya, who has spent time in a juvenile detention center, is offered the opportunity to prove herself and postpone her mother's potential execution by acting as an undercover p...

6.50 6.46 450