A gyaru named Kaede picks up a dinosaur and starts living with it one day. The humorous short shows their day-to-day interactions while the dinosaur eats human food, watches TV, and loves stylish item...

6.60 6.45 516

Earth Energy is a force produced by the rotation of the Earth. The mysterious "Dark Spinner" alien invader came to Earth with the intention of stealing Earth Energy and converting it into Dark Energy....

5.93 427

"Tsugu Tsugumomo" is a captivating supernatural anime that combines action, comedy, and a touch of romance. Building upon its predecessor, "Tsugumomo," this series continues the story of Kazuya Kagami...

6.60 7.45 418

After graduating from college, Rikuo Uozumi has all but given up hope of a bright future and is now working aimlessly at a convenience store in Tokyo. His routine existence is disturbed when the odd H...

6.90 6.89 264

"Yesterday wo Utatte: Haishin-ban Episode" is a special episode of the anime series "Yesterday wo Utatte" that offers an extended and alternate perspective on the captivating story. Building upon the ...

6.90 6.63 302

Duan Jiaze inherited a private zoo and was forced to sign a contract after his graduation. And from that day onwards the first ever age classified Luya zoo appeared, those aged under 21 are prohibited...

6.58 444

Fushihara-san often works overtime like a corporate slave, even after her coworkers have left for the day, spending the majority of her day shackled in front of her office computer. When a ghost in th...

6.00 5.89 455

A goddess blessed the barren land of Gatepia long ago after she descended from Heaven. Massive gates that led to dungeons rich with "kirakuri," crystals that contained the energy required for the crea...

5.90 5.86 477

After graduating from college, Rikuo Uozumi has all but given up hope of a bright future and is now working aimlessly at a convenience store in Tokyo. His routine existence is disturbed when the odd H...

6.90 6.89 378

Shuichi Kagaya, a high school student, gains the capacity to change into a huge monstrous dog. It has a large smile on the front and a zipper on the back, making it look like a mascot outfit. He meets...

6.80 7.00 354

Twin brothers Raiga and Kuuga Kudou enjoy animals and occasionally assist their mother in the zoo where she works. But one day, a group of aliens known as Dark Spinner descended upon Earth with the in...

5.93 425

A head injury causes Catarina Claes, a young noblewoman, to one day rediscover memories of her previous existence as a 17-year-old otaku girl. She then realizes that she has been reborn into the otome...

7.30 7.48 421