Swords of Salvation, known as Saviors, are special people chosen from across Japan who inherited the memories of their previous lives and able to use the miraculous power of the Ancestral Arts. They a...

7.40 6.30 58

Having a light novel author father and an eroge illustrator mother, Kanou Shinichi is a thoroughbred otaku. However he does not have any special power except for his broad knowledge, sharp insight, an...

7.10 6.80 50

The third season of High School DxD based on the light novel series by Ichiei Ishibumi. It's following Volumes 5 till 7 in a rearranged order by Ishibumi-sensei himself....

7.10 7.80 54

One day, high school boy Yamada bumps into the beautiful female honor student Shiraishi on the stairs (literally), and their lips touch as they fall. When they regain their wits, they realize that the...

7.60 6.60 58

(Kämpfer: German for "Fighter") Waking up transformed into a beautiful girl might be the stuff of some guys' fantasies, but when the suddenly effeminatized Natsuru is informed by a stuffed tiger tha...

6.80 7.30 41

The battle to find the supreme Sekirei continues. Still some of the fighters and their masters refuse to participate in the battle since losing it means to lose the Sekirei forever, and many of them a...

7.00 7.70 53

Takeru continues his education at Tenbi Academy as part of the newly formed Security Committee. As a team with the other members, they battle unscrupulous individuals who use their Maken for evil purp...

6.20 7.90 54

(Short for: OniAi) Himenokouji twins Akito and Akiko have finally reunited with each other after separation due to the death of their parents. After six years of living apart they suddenly began to...

7.40 6.30 53

Rentarō Aijo, having faced rejection 100 times in middle school, prays at a shrine for a change of luck as he enters high school. His wish is answered when the God of Love appears and promises that h...


"I have no interest in real girls!" declares Okumura, the president of the school's manga club. A typical otaku, he's infatuated with Lilliel, a sexy 2D manga character. As the new school year begins,...

7.70 7.20 81