Plot Summary: Seven kids are transported to the Digital World, a strange place where digital creatures called "Digimon" reside. A group of Digimon soon befriend them and keep the kids out of harm's wa...

7.40 85

The first season introduces the core characters and lays the foundations for future story lines. Professor X, Cyclops, Wolverine, Storm and Jean Grey make up the original X-Men. As the season develops...

7.80 90

The family was conceived by MacFarlane after developing two animated series, Family Guy and American Dad!. MacFarlane took the Family Guy' character Cleveland and his son Cleveland Jr but redesigned J...

5.60 104

Jackie Chan is an amateur archaeologist living above his uncle's antique shop in San Francisco, California when he comes across a magical artifact on a dig. This brings him to the attention of his old...


In the distant future, Earth is fighting a losing war with an alien race known as the Glorft. In order to save the planet, the human resistance steals a prototype giant robot from the Glorft and modif...

8.20 126

Prior to the beginning of the series, the villainous Doctor Doom, in pursuit of universal domination, attempts to acquire the limitless reality-bending power of the "Infinity Sword." He is stopped by ...

6.10 101

The Penguins of Madagascar is a spin-off of the Madagascar films. The series follows the adventures of the four penguin protagonists: Skipper, Kowalski, Rico, and Private, who perform various paramili...

7.50 110

Plot Summary: In a land where dragons terrorize, there is great need for dragon hunters and shamans to control them. This would be Seur-Chong's job along with a couple of the best shamans around. Unfo...

7.50 95

Bean was revived in a 2002–2004 animated cartoon series, again featuring little dialogue, with most being either little soundbites or mumbling. The series, which consist of 26 episodes (with 2 segme...

6.90 95

A group of leaders from Protestant churches in Russia has asked the country's attorney general to ban television broadcasts of the anime series Ikki Tousen and to cancel the channel's broadcast licens...

7.00 100

The cartoon revolves around the eponymous Salad Fingers, a thin, green, mentally troubled man who inhabits a desolate world. Already a well-known Flash animation series available on the internet, Sala...

8.30 87

Plot Summary: Back on Sonic's home planet, Eggman has collected all 7 of the Chaos Emeralds, and is about to have absolute power when Sonic interferes, causing an explosion that sends everyone from t...

6.10 94