Plot Summary: Rookie Police Officer Daizaburo "Eddie" Ban joins New York's 34th precinct where he is partnered up with John Estes, also knowen as Sleepy to his friends and Mad Bull to everyone else. M...

5.90 73

The life and times of a cat and a dog with a unique twist: they're connected, literally. They share one body with Dog's head at one end and Cat's head on the other. Adding to their dilemma is Cat's an...

6.50 64

Ed, Edd n Eddy is an original animated television series created by Danny Antonucci and produced by Canadian-based a.k.a. Cartoon. It premiered on Cartoon Network in 1998. Ed, Edd n Eddy is one of Car...

7.40 102

The series stars a unicorn pony named Twilight Sparkle, who is a pupil of Equestria's ruler Princess Celestia. Seeing the young pony buried in books, the princess sends her to Ponyville and gives her ...

6.70 104

It was speculated that a "backdoor" pilot for a Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes series was written and animated for the series in the form of the 2006 JLU episode "Far From Home" by Paul Dini...

7.00 92

Destination Imagination, a television movie based on Cartoon Network's recently concluded Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends series, won the "Outstanding Animated Program (for programming one hour or...

7.60 109

Jimmy Two-Shoes (popularly known as JTS; known in Eastern Europe and Spain as Jimmy Cool and in Italy as Jimmy Jimmy) is a Canadian animated television series. It airs on Disney XD in the United Kingd...

6.00 82

Heavy Gear is set on a distant, fictional planet called Terra Nova around 4,000 Earth Standard Years from now (6132 AD). Terra Nova was once the pride of the United Earth Government's colonies. Howeve...

5.30 77

Jhonen Vasquez, an American comic artist who created the animated television series Invader Zim, has posted about the new fall Gainax television anime Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt this week. S...

8.40 101

The events of Loonatics Unleashed occur in the year 2772, the year that a meteor strikes the city planet of Acmetropolis by crashing into one of its oceans, knocking it completely off its original axi...

5.60 119

After sneaking into his best friend Jimmy Neutron's laboratory and finding Jimmy's secret rocketship, Sheen Estevez accidentally blasts himself into outer space. Four million and 1 lightyears away, Sh...

2.90 72

The majority of Superjail! is set inside the eponymous prison. Externally, Superjail is built inside a volcano which is itself located in a larger volcano. Internally, it seems to constitute its own r...

7.70 68