The Little Rascals had been animated for television twice before. In the 1960s, a series of clay-animated Little Rascals Color Specials were produced for syndication, presumably by Bura & Hardwick...

7.10 7.00 55

The Pink Panther is a heroic, moral cartoon cat with pink fur and the manners of an English aristocrat. He only becomes flustered or angry at obtuse or offensive humans who try to disrupt his existenc...

6.10 7.20 54

Intergalactic aliens are invading Earth. It is the job of the top-secret, specially-trained Bureau Of Alien Detectors to find and destroy them. However, there are those in authority who have hidden ag...

6.10 7.50 56

The series followed the exploits of Jack Tenrec and his crew of ecological freedom fighters known as the "Mechanics". His often-reluctant companion is the foreign ambassador Hannah Dundee. She hires J...

6.00 6.80 61

Entertaining misadventures of a four year old boy named Caillou, where each day he discovers something new and interesting with his mommy, daddy, and Rosie. Between Caillou segments are segments featu...

7.20 6.50 34

John was a dedicated leader of Camp Candy, a summer camp that is presumably built by him, and he tries to get various kids to get along. Some episodes focused on John, namely having to stave off the b...

6.90 7.80 61

A Nebraska farm is also home to a family of mice, including young Max. While Max was on a trip outside to gather some corn, exterminators arrived to eliminate the mice. Once Max noticed the exterminat...

7.90 7.20 51

A group of kids (puppets) from diverse backgrounds and cultures come together at "The Puzzle Place" to hang-out, tell stories, sing songs and hold celebrations. Along the way they learn important Life...

6.00 7.00 46

The adventures of a family of Raccoons and their friends....

6.40 7.30 55

In a similar style to _"SuperTed" (1983)_ this features toys which have been thrown in a factory reject bin but come to life and have adventures. This time though they are dolls and, rather than becom...

7.60 6.40 51

Ren, a psychotic Chihuahua, and Stimpson J. Cat, a dimwitted Manx cat who goes by the nickname Stimpy, have a host of unusual adventures....

6.60 6.40 60

Two orphans decide to order two normal parents from a foster agency, but end up receiving a British secret agent mother and reckless stuntman father....

7.60 7.70 39