Set in outer space, the Space Kidettes are a group of kids living in their custom-built clubhouse. They have a treasure map that is fiercely pursued by a space pirate named Captain Skyhook and his wic...

7.60 6.10 54

This animated Christian series follows a family known as the 'Story-Tellers' or Story-Keepers, who use stories based on the teachings of Jesus Christ to help others. Set during Roman times, the series...

6.60 7.60 59

The greatest DC Comics superheroes persist in their fight to protect Earth from the dark New God Darkseid and other malevolent forces. ...

6.70 6.20 61

The animated adventures of various DC Comics superheroes. ...

6.50 6.50 56

Sylvester Cat, Tweety Bird, and Hector the Bulldog are the pets of Granny, a kindly matron with a talent for solving mysteries. Granny, akin to Jessica Fletcher, travels the world investigating missin...

6.80 7.50 50

An animated show featuring the brief adventures of vibrant characters such as Tex Avery, Pompe Pete, Einstone, and Ghangis and Connie. ...

7.30 6.40 52

The stories primarily revolve around Benjy at Centerville High School, along with his friends: the attractive brunette Betty, her wealthy and pretentious boyfriend Ronald Radford, and Betty's blonde t...

7.10 6.30 47

Captain Horatio Pugwash navigates the high seas aboard his ship, the Black Pig, with the help of his crew: cabin boy Tom, pirates Willy and Barnabas, and Master Mate. His arch-nemesis is Cut-Throat Ja...

6.70 6.40 53

This series chronicles the magical adventures of The Shoe People, who reside in the enchanting land of Shoe Town. ...

6.50 7.20 55

Based on the popular video game, Super Mario Bros., The Super Mario Bros. Super Show follows Mario, his brother Luigi, Princess Toadstool, and her advisor Toad as they journey across various lands to ...

7.90 6.10 52

An invulnerable but somewhat dim-witted superhero defends The City from various villains and threats. ...

7.80 7.90 51

During the monkey-manned spaceflights of the 1960s, one rocket veered off course, sending a chimp named Charlie into the far reaches of space. After many years, Charlie’s spacecraft was found by the...

7.60 7.80 59