The 24 episode anime aired in Japan between January 8, 2001 and June 25, 2001. A second 24 episode series called Grappler Baki Maximum Tournament was released on 22 July 2001. The story revolves aroun...

7.50 126

Iron Man: Armored Adventures is a 3D CGI cartoon series based on the Marvel Comics' superhero Iron Man. It debuted in the USA on the Nicktoons Network on April 24, 2009, and has already begun airing o...

6.50 102

Star Wars: The Clone Wars is an American 3D CGI animated television series created by Lucasfilm Animation, Lucasfilm Animation Singapore and CGCG Inc. The series debuted on the US-version of Cartoon N...

8.40 83

The story begins with a sudden explosion at the Xavier mansion which was initially perceived among the X-Men to be an attempted attack by an unknown assailant, targeted at telepaths, particularly invo...

8.00 81

Plot Summary: Seven kids are transported to the Digital World, a strange place where digital creatures called "Digimon" reside. A group of Digimon soon befriend them and keep the kids out of harm's wa...

7.40 85

Plot Summary: A more serious re-telling of The Nuku-Nuku Story. In this re-telling Nuku-Nuku is the creation of Kyusaku Natsume's Mentor, Professor Higuchi . When Mishima Industries Brings about a nef...

7.60 6.55 96

Plot Summary: A retelling of the TV series from the point of view of one of the Goddess Pilots. ...

5.77 6.33 81

The first season introduces the core characters and lays the foundations for future story lines. Professor X, Cyclops, Wolverine, Storm and Jean Grey make up the original X-Men. As the season develops...

7.80 90

Plot Summary: The slapstick romantic comedy centers around an ordinary 16-year-old high school boy named Yūto Amakawa who is protected by a spirit — specifically, a beautiful, sword-wielding cat gi...

6.77 6.83 119

Jackie Chan is an amateur archaeologist living above his uncle's antique shop in San Francisco, California when he comes across a magical artifact on a dig. This brings him to the attention of his old...


Plot Summary: Five supernatural factions have been fighting against each other for who knows how many centuries, with the beginning of Aquarian Age always in mind. Kyouta, soon begins to see visions o...

7.21 6.06 105

In the distant future, Earth is fighting a losing war with an alien race known as the Glorft. In order to save the planet, the human resistance steals a prototype giant robot from the Glorft and modif...

8.20 126