Heavy Gear is set on a distant, fictional planet called Terra Nova around 4,000 Earth Standard Years from now (6132 AD). Terra Nova was once the pride of the United Earth Government's colonies. Howeve...

5.30 77

Jhonen Vasquez, an American comic artist who created the animated television series Invader Zim, has posted about the new fall Gainax television anime Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt this week. S...

8.40 101

Parody of Japanese anime, featuring a guy named Mikey who travels to Japan to star in an anime, where he discovers his new co-stars are all basically walking anime clichés. ...

6.60 89

The events of Loonatics Unleashed occur in the year 2772, the year that a meteor strikes the city planet of Acmetropolis by crashing into one of its oceans, knocking it completely off its original axi...

5.60 119

After sneaking into his best friend Jimmy Neutron's laboratory and finding Jimmy's secret rocketship, Sheen Estevez accidentally blasts himself into outer space. Four million and 1 lightyears away, Sh...

2.90 72

Long before our times, humanity fought against an evil of unimaginable power. The darkness was broken only by the Seekers, humans able to invoke legendary creatures -the Titans -into their own plane o...

8.20 84

Fredrick "Fred" Jones, Jr., Daphne Blake, Velma Dinkley, Norville "Shaggy" Rogers and Scooby-Doo make up the team of teenage mystery solvers who live in a small town called Crystal Cove, the self-proc...

8.10 86

The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest is an animated action-adventure television series produced by Hanna-Barbera Cartoons and broadcast on Cartoon Network from August 26, 1996 to April 16, 1999. A reviv...

7.70 111

The first season features Peter Parker beginning his junior year at Midtown Manhattan Magnet High School, having only acquired his powers and alias as Spider-Man in recent months. While harassed at sc...

8.40 117

The show is set in the year 100,000,000 A.D., on a satellite which orbits Earth. This future Earth is never visited directly, though it is referred in dialogue as a peaceful utopia where there are no ...

7.80 103

Four young monks – Omi, Kimiko, Raimundo, and Clay – are forced into cooperation at the Xiaolin Temple after learning they are the Chosen Ones, monks chosen to become Xiaolin Dragons. At first thi...

7.40 82

Plot Summary: Welcome to zentrix, the most perfect city on the planet. This is all thanks to the famous scientist Emperor Jarad, who created the Omicronpsy super-computer. The computer manages all of ...

8.30 76