Batman of Shanghai is a series of animated shorts from the DC Nation block on Cartoon Network, presenting a unique re-imagining of the Batman universe in a heavily stylized form, set in a 1930's era S...

6.30 7.50 44

Based upon the strategy war game and set during events in the Blood of Kerensky Trilogy by Michael Stackpole, a small independent unit lead by Maj. Adam Steiner fights their way to their home planet o...

6.40 7.50 43

When genius robot technician Ziv "ZZ" Zulander discovers that his employers (RM Corps) have designs on world domination, he quits and tries to warn people about them. Branded an outlaw by their powerf...

6.30 7.20 49

Batfink was a spoof of the popular DC Comics character, Batman. Batfink was a crime fighter with super sonic sonar and wings of steel. He and his sidekick Karate would keep the world safe from villain...

6.40 6.70 27

The Comic strip had 4 different cartoons in it. Tigersharks, Street Frogs, Karate Kat and Camp Mini Monster....

7.50 6.90 38

The series, played out as a comedy as opposed to a story-based narrative as the novels were, features Zack Freeman, a junior butt fighter, his butt Deuce and Eleanor Sterne, the daughter of legendary ...

6.20 6.10 57

Battle of the Planets cast five young people as G-Force, consisting of Mark, Jason, Princess, Keyop, and Tiny. G-Force protects Earth from planet Spectra and other attacks from beyond space. The most ...

6.50 6.20 45

This was another attempt to take a successful primetime television series and turn it into a Saturday morning cartoon. In it, the Dukes, Daisy and her cousins, Coy and Vance in the first season, and t...

6.20 7.60 47

Made from sugar, spice, everything nice and Chemical X by the Professor; Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup now use their superpowers and super cuteness to save the world (or at least Townsville) from ev...

6.10 7.10 50

The Freedom Force features five legendary heroes. Joining the returning strongman Hercules are the magician Merlin, super-adventurer Sinbad, armored giant of the East, Super Samurai, and the beauteous...

6.50 7.90 58

In the original "Big Bad Beetleborgs", three average pre-teen kids entered a haunted house and encountered a crazy blue phasm named Flabber, who gaves them a wish for freeing him from a pipe organ. Th...

7.40 6.20 48

While surveying the site of some ancient ruins, two young archaeologists, Derek and Margo, and their nomad friend Moki find themselves trapped and sinking in a whirling pool of sand. And when the dust...

7.40 6.60 59