The series chronicles the daily adventures of a 13-year-old Mexican superhero as he confronts bizarre enemies while also navigating the complexities of having a superhero father and a villain grandfat...

7.40 6.80 52

Marty, an ordinary 11-year-old boy, unexpectedly becomes the human embodiment of the Fist of Eon, acquiring incredible fighting abilities. As the evil General's dark armies chase after his new weapon,...

6.70 6.50 56

Four masked superheroes confront and fight against the world's most fearsome villains. ...

6.30 7.90 55

Fantomcat focuses on Phillipe Lentheric Guerlain de Givenchy, the Duke of Fantom, a masked swashbuckling hero from 1699 who battled his nemesis, Baron Von Skeltar, a sword-wielding, caped Skeletoid al...

7.20 6.20 36

A clan of heroic night creatures vows to protect modern New York City, continuing their ancient duty from Scotland. In the Dark Ages, a race of warrior monsters known as Gargoyles existed. By day, ...

7.00 7.00 43

The series follows Rose, a teenage girl from Earth who discovers a key that transports her to FairyTale Land, where fairy tales come to life. She arrives at Regal Academy, a school where students are ...

6.00 7.70 56

Fangbone, a nine-year-old barbarian warrior from Skullbania, finds himself in the third grade class at Eastwood Elementary to save his homeland from the evil villain, Venomous Drool. Alongside his new...

7.30 7.60 54

A teenage werewolf and his friends solve mysteries together. ...

6.50 6.30 37

The series follows the adventures of Marvel Comics' greatest superhero team. ...

7.30 7.20 51

Twelve-year-old Cornelius Fillmore (voiced by Orlando Brown), once a juvenile delinquent with a criminal history, was caught stealing a shipment of chalk from the school. He was "arrested" by a safety...

7.10 7.20 40

The core narrative centers on Flash and his allies as they journey to Mongo, where they are compelled to fight against its tyrant, Ming the Merciless, his daughter Princess Aura, and his Metal Men arm...

6.70 6.90 52

This series follows four friends at Rhino Junior High using their brains and brawn to deal with problems created by their nemesis Earl P. Sidebottom A.K.A The Phantom, who can transpose the school to ...

8.00 6.10 51