Set in a world devastated by otherworldly invaders, Momentary Lily follows the daily lives of high school girls as they navigate this harsh reality. Yuri Kawazu, Erika Koudaiji, Hinageshi Usuzumi, Ren...


In the year 202X, self-driving electric cars have become the norm in Japan, replacing those with internal combustion engines. However, a racing circuit called MFG continues to feature traditional inte...


Due to a conspiracy, Goku and his friends are turned into children. They set out on a journey to a mysterious new world in hopes of reversing the transformation. ...


During the Edo period, a shrine maiden known as "Itsukihime" resided in the mountain village of Kadono. Jinta, a young man who serves as her guardian despite being an outsider, confronts a mysterious ...


In the year 2099 of the Fused Era, the cyberpunk city-state of Shinjuku stands as a dazzling metropolis adorned with neon signs, towering skyscrapers, and cutting-edge technology. This is the stage fo...


Duke Fleed, the sole survivor from the Fleed Planet, has fled to Earth. Aboard a mysterious spaceship, he is adopted by Dr. Umon and grows up as Daisuke Umon. Years later, he faces the threat of King ...

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In 2022, a relentless war between humanity and an army of machines has raged for decades. Back in 1997, Skynet, an AI, became self-aware and launched its war against humanity. Caught between these ...

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When introverted Touka Mimori is summoned to another world alongside his classmates, he gains the ability to inflict status ailments like paralysis or poison on his foes. Unfortunately, such skills ar...


During a school trip, a bus filled with students is abruptly transported to another world by a sage named Sion. She grants most of the students special powers known as Gifts, hoping to enlist them as ...


One day, six cards called the "Six Desires" emerged, each holding the power to alter destiny. Six fighters were chosen to wield these cards. Their future lay in the "Fated Clash," a battle where th...