The 1989 animated feature adapted by Disney for TV in a prequel that leads up to the events of the film. A mermaid princess makes a Faustian bargain in an attempt to become human and win a prince's lo...

7.90 7.20 56

Animated series about a 13-year-old boy named Henry Bigg who goes on vacation and finds mouse-like creatures in his suitcase called Littles. There's a whole family of Littles. William and Lucy Little ...

7.80 7.00 50

After his castle is taken over; Valiant, Prince of Thule, has a dream in which King Arthur calls him to Camelot. Valiant heeds the advice of the dream and sets out on a quest to find the famed kingdom...

6.30 7.60 56

A group of sprite-like power engineers maintain and defend the lamp post H032 which is the critical area of the entire Lighting Network. The Roons, who live in the sewers below, are the creatures who ...

7.00 7.80 63

"Braingames" originally a was a program that aired Mondays on HBO in 1983 and are also available as series of interactive videocassettes that integrate history, art, music, culture, and sports. Each c...

7.70 7.30 37

This show is based on the hit movie about a lower then regular guy who finds an enchanted mask. When he puts the mask on, he becomes a totally zany superhero who fights crime and makes a huge producti...

7.10 7.10 58

The series centers on Bessie Higgenbottom, an ambitious Honeybee girl scout who believes she will become The Mighty B if she collects every Honeybee badge. Bessie lives in San Francisco with her singl...

7.50 6.30 52

Based on the classic children's book series Mr. Men and Little Miss, the show takes place in the fictional town of Dillydale in the mythical continent of Misterland. The show revolves around the chara...

7.80 6.30 54

Young boy Bastian helps yet again the Childlike Empress and her people of Fantasia, an imagination land that can be accessed and influenced through a magic never ending book called The NeverEnding Sto...

8.00 7.60 55

The New Three Stooges is a syndicated television program that ran from 1965-1966 starring the Three Stooges. The show follows the trio's antics both in live-action and animated segments. The cast cons...

7.50 7.90 62

In The New Adventures of Batman, the "Dynamic Duo" fights crime in Gotham City, encountering the classic Batman rogues gallery as well as some original villains. Complicating matters is Bat-Mite, a we...

6.90 7.50 59

The sequel series to He-Man, taking place 10,000 years into the future. Prince Adam is brought from the past to protect the Planet Primus from the evil mutants led by Floog and Skeletor....

7.40 6.80 58