The series follows the continuing adventures of The Ghostbusters, secretary Janine, accountant Louis, and their mascot Slimer, as they chase and capture rogue spirits around New York and various other...

7.20 6.80 49

Home Movies is a dialogue-driven American animated series that originally aired from 1999 to 2004. The plot surrounds eight-year-old Brendon Small (voiced by the creator, head writer, and lead musicia...

6.30 6.30 51

The show originally revolved around four children (three boys and one girl). The fearless brave leader Thomas "Tommy" Pickles (whose family moved from Akron, Ohio to their current location in Californ...

7.30 6.70 52

The storyline involves many colorful characters. Jim (voiced by TenNapel) was at first an ordinary earthworm who did very earthworm-like things such as flee from crows and eat dirt. One day, in the sp...

7.70 6.60 57

"The Brak Show is a story of a neighborhood. It's the story of a family. It's the story of what happens when adults have children and those children go to school. And Brak is in it. He lives in a hous...

6.80 6.40 60

The series continued the concept of a shared Marvel Animated Universe with numerous episodes featuring characters from other Marvel cartoons of the period. In the second season, the show's format, aft...

6.10 7.10 65

After Daria borrows a pencil from him, Kevin thinks she is trying to get with him. After he confronts her about it, Daria pretends she likes him just to mess with him. ...

7.10 7.10 46

Ancient Books of Ys ;Adol Christin, a young man from the mainland, sails to the besieged land of Esteria in search of adventure. Esteria is being overrun by beasts under the control of the evil priest...

7.00 7.50 53

Tom is left in charge of a priceless magical ring by a young wizard. When Jerry accidently gets the ring stuck on his head, he runs out into the city as Tom is close behind him in pursuit. Along the w...

7.30 7.30 54

The Berenstain Bears was a 1980s cartoon based on the popular children's books. Papa Bear is a carpenter who loves his family who believes he's an expert on almost everything. Mama Bear is president o...

6.00 6.30 60

Blade, a "Daywalker" vampire hunter who was born with human and vampire blood in his veins after a vampire attacked his mother, is visiting Japan on a mission. There, he not only confronts Deacon Fros...

7.00 7.20 50

The series is based on the 2004 film Napoleon Dynamite. It follows the adventures of Napoleon Dynamite, and his family and friends, as they navigate small-town life in rural Preston, Idaho. The origin...

6.60 6.80 57