This adult-oriented CGI animated parody of "Star Wars" features Captain Chode, a purple octopus alien with a penchant for pornography. His nemesis, Darph Bobo, is a spoof of Darth Vader. The cast incl...

6.60 7.70 56

The series follows Tupu, a semi-wild girl who, despite her wild nature, maintains manners and a basic understanding of English. Tupu lives with her friend, Whatzup the squirrel, and frequently spends ...

7.90 7.50 36

Adapted from Bob Kolar's popular children's books, "Turbo Dogs" is a 3D animated series set in Racerville, a town where dogs are passionate about racing. The series presents situations that challenge ...

6.00 6.20 49

Oliver escapes from the orphanage and goes on the run. During his flight, he encounters Dodger, and together they make their way to Fagin, the leader of a small gang. Oliver must prove himself to stay...

7.10 6.10 60

In the distant future, a team of four high-tech Star Sheriffs protects the frontier space colony Yuma from outlaws and an army of humanoid alien beings called Vapors. The Vapors, led by the enigmatic ...

6.90 6.80 61

The series follows a teenage witch who spends time with her friends at Riverdale High and uses her magical powers to fight enemies, all while keeping her secret from her friends. Aimed primarily at yo...

6.50 7.80 55

These adventures center on Sabrina as she trains at a witchcraft academy and include the rival character Cassandra (also known as 'Portia' from "Friends Forever"). ...

7.10 6.60 53

12-year-old Sally, along with her best friend Doowee, operates a detective agency called S.B.I. - "Sally Bollywood Investigations." Sally is skilled in Kalaripayatt and has a passion for singing and d...

6.30 6.40 51

The series is set in Little Tokyo, a mechanical city blending feudal Japanese culture with contemporary elements, inhabited by cybernetic anthropomorphic animals. The city is officially ruled by the e...

7.20 7.30 59

A swashbuckling adventure follows Sandokan, a deposed prince turned pirate, as he fights against the evil maharajah who murdered his parents. During this conflict, Sandokan falls in love with Mariana,...

6.30 7.90 32

Sandra the Fairytale Detective is a Spanish animated television series created by Imira Productions. The show follows a young girl named Sandra as she solves mysteries with the help of her friend Fo t...

7.30 6.50 57

Welcome to the Santo Bugito guide! When you're craving some classic insect Mexican food, Carmen's Cocina is the place to go, offering the best food and drinks on the Tex-Mex border. Set in the lively ...

7.60 6.40 53