The series follows Sarah, a kind and polite seven-year-old girl with big eyes, rosy cheeks, and a green hat, along with her best friend, Duck, a mallard. The show centers on their adventures and the b...

6.90 6.50 53

The half-hour program combined courtroom drama, science experiments, and humor to teach fundamental concepts in elementary and middle school science, including the water cycle, work, matter, gravity, ...

6.00 6.40 55

Various Hanna-Barbera characters participate in their own version of the Olympic Games. ...

6.70 7.10 54

The story begins with a boy named Luke Watson, who on his tenth birthday transforms into a werewolf. Unlike typical werewolves who change during a full moon, Luke transforms when he feels intense ange...

6.50 6.10 55

The series consists of shorts that use various songs to teach topics such as multiplication tables, grammar, science, American history, computers, economics, and environmentalism. ...

8.00 7.40 51

The cartoon adventure series centers on a group of 21st-century Oceanauts living in their experimental complex on the ocean floor. 4o mini ...

6.60 6.20 42

The series follows the business adventures of Radley, Elena, Jones, Lisa, their robot Starty, and their wise mentor, Warren Buffett. Each episode tackles different business scenarios that kids might f...

6.00 7.50 51

Sectuars was a syndicated miniseries consisting of five half-hour segments. The story is set on Symbion, an idyllic planet that was ruined by a failed lab experiment. This experiment led to the creati...

6.50 6.90 31

This children’s animated series follows seven “little” monsters, who are actually quite large, as they go on adventures and learn about life. Each monster is named after a number from 1 to 7: ...

6.10 7.30 57

Almost microscopic in size, there exists a hidden world within our own: the Meadowlands. This delicate realm features flowers as large as redwoods and insects the size of dragons, where peaceful fairi...

7.30 7.40 53

The four inhabited planets are perpetually at war, constantly raiding each other for their unique resources. When an alien named Tekla arrives from another solar system with a warning about the approa...

7.10 6.60 59

Guts, known as the Black Swordsman, is on a quest to escape the demonic forces that hunt him and his companion, while also seeking revenge against the man who branded him as a sacrificial offering. Ar...

7.40 7.40 46