Jhonen Vasquez, an American comic artist who created the animated television series Invader Zim, has posted about the new fall Gainax television anime Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt this week. S...

8.40 95

After sneaking into his best friend Jimmy Neutron's laboratory and finding Jimmy's secret rocketship, Sheen Estevez accidentally blasts himself into outer space. Four million and 1 lightyears away, Sh...

2.90 68

The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest is an animated action-adventure television series produced by Hanna-Barbera Cartoons and broadcast on Cartoon Network from August 26, 1996 to April 16, 1999. A reviv...

7.70 104

The first season features Peter Parker beginning his junior year at Midtown Manhattan Magnet High School, having only acquired his powers and alias as Spider-Man in recent months. While harassed at sc...

8.40 108

The show is set in the year 100,000,000 A.D., on a satellite which orbits Earth. This future Earth is never visited directly, though it is referred in dialogue as a peaceful utopia where there are no ...

7.80 94

The show is about three kids who get powers in a lab when Zevo compound covers them, due to an experiment done by the evil Dr. Stankfoot. Together the fight off mutant monsters that arise while dealin...

6.00 74

Cubix was created by the Korean company called Cinepix and licensed by 4Kids Entertainment in North America, and aired for two seasons during the Kids' WB! children’s block on the WB, lasting from A...

6.00 85

Fantastic Four: World's Greatest Heroes is an animated television series based on the Marvel Comics' Fantastic Four comic book series and the movie itself. The series is the team's fourth foray into a...

7.40 6.10 94

In the near future, a veteran of the Stargate program, four cadets, and a mysterious alien are prevented from returning to Earth by a impostor. The heroes must use the Stargate network to find another...

7.40 6.50 77

The Zeta Project follows the exploits of Zeta and Ro as they attempt to prove that he is genuinely non-violent, whereas the NSA agents pursuing him believe that the terrorists he was investigating bef...

7.00 7.30 97

The Snow Kids are out of shape, and a friendly against the Shadows ends 4-0 to the Shadows! Mei develops the smog, Sinedd offers her the chance to join the Shadows and a mysterious Lord Phoenix introd...

6.00 6.40 138

Zak Saturday and his parents, Doc and Drew are a family of world-saving scientists called "The Secret Saturdays." Living in a hidden base, they are part of a secret organization of scientists known as...

6.40 7.80 110