The Venture Bros. is an American animated television series that premiered on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim on February 16, 2003. The series mixes action and comedy together while it chronicles the adv...

7.80 6.70 85

Storm Hawks is set in a fictional world called Atmos, a largely mountainous world consisting of scattered masses known as terras. Directly below the terras is the Wastelands, the most dangerous place ...

6.90 6.10 92

For the first three seasons, the villains featured in the series were generally one-shot characters used for a single episode. Most of them intend to oppose the world because they have suffered some m...

6.00 6.60 114

This animated adventure series of Bruce Wayne, billionaire by day, crime fighter by night, starts as Wayne balances life as a free-wheeling bachelor, with his role as the Caped Crusader. He's joined o...

6.60 6.40 81

It is the 23rd century; the Earth has shattered into billions of pieces which orbit around a central core. In this new world named Skyland, an evolved form of humans has appeared: Seijins, who are abl...

7.20 6.80 48

Dr. Komyoji creates Jiro (Kikaider) but an explosion occurs. When Dr Komyoji's kids, Mitsuko and Masaru, their father was nowhere to be found. Jiro wandering aimlessly in a remote area eventually meet...

6.00 6.80 81

Plot Summary: Three hundred years have passed since the Great War between the Autobots and Decepticons. Cybertron is ruled by the Maximals, the descendants of the Autobots. They are at peace with the ...

6.00 7.70 71

The series is a continuation of its predecessor, taking up soon after Justice League ended. It features a greatly expanded League, in which the characters from the original series—now referred to as...

6.50 6.40 94

The story involves the Masters of Evil and a flashback to Captain America defeating Baron Zemo. Iron Man, meanwhile in the episode "Shooting Stars", helps the Avengers thwart the Zodiac's plan to sen...

7.80 7.40 93

Forced to flee her underground sanctuary for Earth’s surface, Eva discovers a world unlike anything she expected. As she journeys across perilous terrain and unknown civilizations, Eva searches to a...

6.77 93

Living far in the future, shortly after the end of World War IX, Lloyd Nebulon is a green-skinned alien (of the Verdigrean race) with strange ears and a single antenna sticking from his head. Lloyd li...

6.70 7.60 73

Godzilla: The Series is an American animated television series which originally aired on Fox Kids in the United States. The show premiered on September 12, 1998, and is a direct continuation of the 19...

7.40 6.70 79