Takuya Arima is a young student whose historian father, who has carried out numerous studies, recently vanished. Takuya receives a strange box from his missing father during the summer along with a le...

6.20 6.58 479

"Bakugan: Battle Planet" is the reboot of the original "Bakugan Battle Brawlers" series. The show centers around a group of kids, such as the quick-thinking and resourceful Dan Kouzo, who encounter a ...

4.90 5.50 511

Shinjiro Hayata, son of Shin Hayata, who was the first Ultraman, has a natural special power. One day, Shinjiro was attacked by unknown enemies. Ultraman saved the day, and unmasked himself to show Sh...

6.80 6.70 322

Heavens Library to Crimson Lord brings back Arata, Lilith, and the rest of the Trinity Seven to face off against the greatest enemy in the history of the Trinity Seven; Lilith's own father, who is rev...

7.23 7.34 250

"Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku" is an anime series based on the manga of the same name by Fujita. The story revolves around the lives of Narumi Momose and Hirotaka Nifuji, two office workers who are...

7.94 439

Hello Kitty receives a message from Haro on her television while setting up for a tea party asking her to save Amuro. The next scene on Kitty's television depicts Amuro's conflicts from Mobile Suit Gu...

4.90 6.51 399

"W'z" is a Japanese anime series that serves as a sequel to the anime series "Hand Shakers." The story takes place in a world where certain individuals possess the ability to summon powerful weapons k...

5.74 308

Izumi Yasaka, a counselor who recently escaped from Sanctuary, a latent criminal isolation and rehabilitation facility, is involved in a car accident while driving to the Public Safety Bureau. Inspect...

7.01 7.15 154

This animated series chronicles the adventures of Corn and Peg, a blue unicorn and a pink Pegasus who are inseparable best friends and schoolmates since preschool. Inspired by their favorite superhero...

7.70 309

The four princes of Grannzreich—Kai, Bruno, Leonhard, and Licht— continue to compete for the right to their kingdom's throne under the guidance of their beloved royal tutor, the competent yet chil...

7.24 7.34 180

Teppei Sugou, a former ace pilot of the National Defence Army, is approached by a government scout to rejoin the military. As he considers the offer, he reflects on his last months of service, particu...

7.25 7.47 227

Bell Cranel, on his journey to become a powerful adventurer and delve deeper into the "Dungeon," strolls through the bustling streets of Orario with his friends and the goddess Hestia. As evening fall...

7.28 7.44 210