Nagito Komaeda is an ordinary child with no unique qualities or fascinating skills to speak of at Hope's Peak Academy, a school full of exceptionally gifted students—aside from his amazing unluckine...

6.00 7.14 387

The story of Venus Versus Virus centers on two teenage girls named Sumire Takahana and Lucia Nahashi. Sumire and Lucia first came into contact when Sumire learned of Lucia's mysterious past as a membe...

5.80 6.35 378

Kobayashi, a programmer and office worker, is greeted by a huge dragon as she prepares for work right outside her front door. The dragon reveals herself to be Tohru and changes into a human girl weari...

7.70 7.99 482

In Shibuya, a wave of horrific killings known as "New Generation Madness" once caused widespread hysteria. When the violence was at its worst, the district was reduced to rubble by a violent earthquak...

5.70 6.33 410

In "AD20XX," Hand Shakers takes place in Osaka. Tazuna Takatsuki, a high school student with a talent for mechanics, accepts a specific repair request and travels to a university research center throu...

3.10 5.28 451

Japari Park is an untamed paradise where many humanoid animals, known as "Friends," live their everyday lives in all corners of the natural environmental park. One lazy afternoon in the savannah area,...

6.80 7.54 407

Yui Hanasaka, who has recently relocated into a new apartment complex, pays her neighbor the customary visit to say hello. She enlists his assistance to help her pass her entrance examinations after f...

4.90 5.56 471

Morina Nanase begins a new part-time position as a server at the Italian restaurant Trattoria Festa while she is on summer vacation. Morina rapidly adapts to her new job because she finds the restaura...

5.87 415

The "Devil's" blade techniques are tasked with destroying evils that threaten a tranquil Edo! Maintaining the position of top officer guarding against crime and arson is Heizou Hasegawa. Hasegawa held...

7.50 7.30 368

In order to learn the real tale of the Vice Commander Hijikata Toshizou, the Demon of the Shinsengumi, a young woman follows down the elderly Nagakura Shinpachi in 1912. The beginning of Hijikata's st...

4.00 5.64 448

The 13 states that make up the Kingdom of Dowa each have their own authority. Numerous organizations in these 13 states are under the supervision of the enormous civil organization known as ACCA. The ...

7.10 7.67 369

Dowa Kingdom, a kingdom split up into 13 states, is in the time of celabration of its rulers 99th birthday. There are many agencies across these 13 states that are controlled by an organization called...

7.10 7.67 557