"Trickster: Edogawa Ranpo" is a gripping mystery anime that pays homage to the works of renowned Japanese author Edogawa Ranpo, known for his psychological thrillers and detective stories. Set in a dy...

6.90 6.25 346

In the world of Japanese ping pong, a mighty king has fallen. An underdog team suddenly breaks the indomitable Oudou Academy's nine year winning streak, creating a power vacuum as players everywhere a...

6.60 7.06 411

Chidori continues to clear the path for her lord, Nobunaga Oda, in his invasion of the Land of the Rising Sun as a lethal, competent ninja on duty and a cute, innocent girl off duty. Even though No...

7.60 7.08 426

"Gakuen Handsome" is a comedy anime series that parodies the Boys' Love (BL) and otome genres. The series originally started as a BL game before being adapted into an anime. The story is set in Bar...

6.71 479

Qiao An Hao and Lu Jin Nian did not choose to get married. Qiao An Hao established three rules for their marriage on the first night of their nuptials. First of all, please refrain from touching me. T...

7.80 6.04 408

In the near future, when the series is set, live idol music performances in virtual reality are widespread. Many would-be idols choose to enroll in illustrious idol training institutions in an effort ...

5.35 470

Many tales and stories circulate in most typical high schools, some of which are macabre, some of which are scandalous, some of which are pleasant. Monsters hiding in an abandoned mansion outside of t...

4.60 5.09 438

In the year 2205, a unique sage by the name of Saniwa has the power to give inanimate objects life. The Saniwa and their strongest animations—historical Japanese swords in the appearance of dashing ...

6.60 6.83 394

Milo Murphy is the personification of Murphy’s Law where anything that can go wrong will go wrong. Suffering from Extreme Hereditary Murphy’s Law condition (EHML), Milo always looks to make the be...

6.10 7.70 59

Upon enrolling in high school, Tamaki Honda joins a club for making doujin games known as the SNS Club. Joined by programmer Shiina, writer Ayame, and composer Kayo, Tamaki begins working as an illust...

7.40 6.85 440

The Tiger's Lair, a recently resurrected underground wrestling group that demolished the dojo where the two young wrestlers trained, pits them against one another. Naoto Date's training grounds at the...

7.00 7.00 396