"Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic" is an action-adventure, fantasy anime series based on the manga of the same name. The series takes inspiration from various Middle Eastern folklore, particularly the sto...

7.80 8.02 429

The mystical B-Crystal has begun to go mad in Crest Land. Godai Kamon, the primary character and an energetic young guy who adores B-Daman, lives in Crest Land's southern region. With the exception o...

6.30 6.45 520

quietly confident Mei Tachibana did not have any boyfriends or pals during her time in high school. Because of a childhood episode in which her pals turned out to be toxic and shallow, she developed a...

7.30 7.43 556

One day, Sakurakouji took the bus. Sakura glances out the window to witness people being consumed by a blue fire as a guy around her age stands guard over them uninjured. The following day, when she r...

6.80 6.74 391

The situation spirals even further out of control as close encounters of the twisted kind between the inhabitants of the planet Develuke (represented primarily by the female members of the royal famil...

7.00 7.44 385

Volumes 1–5, 44 chapters. In late 19th-century England, Jonathan Joestar, the young son of a wealthy landowner, meets his new adopted brother Dio Brando, who loathes him and plans to usurp him as he...

8.40 7.91 482

"Little Busters!" is a comedy-drama anime series based on a visual novel of the same name developed by Key. It blends elements of slice-of-life, drama, and supernatural themes. The story revolves a...

6.80 7.49 423

The supernatural powers and creatures that exist in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure's universe are a reflection of the actual world. Some people in this situation have the ability to channel their inner spir...

8.40 7.91 450

Nanafa Kyan resides in Okinawa with her grandmother, who owns the "Kame Soba" soba restaurant, her stunning older sister Nao, a high school student, and her younger sister Kokona, an elementary school...

6.00 5.90 470

Akito and Akiko Himenokouji, a brother and sister, were made to live with different families for six years following the passing of their parents. But now that they have reconciled, they are starting ...

5.90 6.45 433

The slice-of-life battle story takes place in a future without a third world war or alien invasion—just a regular future following the time period in which we currently live. In this world, robots a...

5.70 6.30 449