Batman of Shanghai is a series of animated shorts from the DC Nation block on Cartoon Network, presenting a unique re-imagining of the Batman universe in a heavily stylized form, set in a 1930's era S...

6.30 7.50 47

Recently, Noya Itsuki switched to Ebisugawa High School. He decides to join the Astronomy Club since he has always been fascinated by space, but he accidentally enters the Asstronomy Club, which is a ...

5.00 6.18 462

Yoshiharu Sagara, a high school student, awakens to find himself in the midst of a fierce fight during the Sengoku era. Hideyoshi Toyotomi, a great figure, saves him, albeit at the hero's expense. The...

6.50 7.39 425

Yoshiharu Sagara, a high school student, awakens to find himself in the midst of a fierce fight during the Sengoku era. Hideyoshi Toyotomi, a great figure, saves him, albeit at the hero's expense. The...

6.50 7.40 453

Sword Art Online (SAO), a virtual reality massively multiplayer online role-playing game, was released in 2022. Players can experience and control their in-game avatars with the help of NerveGear, a h...

7.60 7.20 528

Five high school students who are the sole members of their school's Student Cultural Research Club are the focus of the story: Taichi, Iori, Himeko, Yoshifumi, and Yui. All of them experience various...

7.40 7.76 430

Princess Mikoto of Elua resolves to become a hunter and explore the all of Driland in pursuit of riches as a result of the influence of someone who visited her town when she was a young girl. Wallens,...

7.20 6.55 416

Akatsuki is known as the Rogue Hero in a fantasy world called ‘Arezard’. He decides to take the daughter of the fallen Demon King as he requested him to do so. After bringing her to the real world...

6.90 6.77 538

The Mikadono Group is a multinational corporation with its headquarters in Japan and is run by Kumagoro Mikadono. He designates his son Shogo as his successor in the business. However, once Kumagoro p...

6.00 6.53 540

A 16-year-old high school student named Deity Kusanagi once killed the god Verethragna and earned the name "Campione" ("God Killer") when he was 15. Italian teenager Erica Brandelli, 16, is a "Great K...

6.80 6.96 364

A young guy whose heart has been stolen, Ryousuke Hazuki frequents the neighborhood florist frequently to catch a glimpse of the stunning Rokka Shimao, the store's proprietor. He decides to work a par...

7.20 7.27 411

One day, a girl standing by herself in the rain is encountered by Ryosuke Kaga, a high school student attending Momozomo Academy. She visited the human world as Lisara Restall, an elite Grim Reaper, i...

6.20 6.57 457