Yukiteru Amano, a quiet middle school student, frequently keeps track of his everyday events by recording them on his phone, which he uses as a digital diary. Yukiteru claims that Deus Ex Machina, the...

7.50 7.44 433

The narrative centers on Yu Narukami, a shy adolescent who, as a result of his parents' overseas employment, relocates to Inaba for a year to live with his uncle and cousin. Yu and his new friends Yos...

7.60 7.50 386

Kodaka Hasegawa, a transfer student to St. Chronica's Academy, has had trouble making friends due of the combination of his fierce-looking eyes and brown-blond hair, which he got from his deceased Eng...

7.00 7.18 600

"Maken-Ki! Battling Venus" is an ecchi harem anime series based on the manga of the same name. The story primarily takes place at Tenbi Academy, a high school that has recently switched from all-girls...

5.80 6.34 507

Chihaya Ayase, a tomboyish kid with a strong sense of self, grows up in the shadow of her older sister. She has no personal goals and is happy with her lot in life up until she meets Arata Wataya. She...

8.11 8.19 358

This romantic comedy, which is based on Hiromitsu Takeda's manga series, centers on Takeru Ohyama, a typical perverse adolescent. His new school suddenly become co-ed and doesn't require entrance exam...

5.80 6.33 402

Some girls have a tendency to become irritated when boys unexpectedly enter locations where they have never been permitted before. Therefore, when it is decided to combine the prestigious Yuihime Girl...

6.60 7.04 438

The Asaba twins—gentle Yuuta and indolent Yuuki—along with Kaname Tsukahara and nice and jovial Shun Matsuoka—four childhood friends—are in their second year at Homare High School. The pals be...

7.60 7.64 364

based on the "Sengoku Paradise" online otome game for mobile phones. Sengoku Paradise Kiwami's 10-minute promo has an anime for the first three minutes. The remaining seven minutes are made up of a...

5.98 409

In her last year of middle school, Fuu Sawatari had trouble dealing with her emotions following the sudden death of her father. Through the help of her brother and childhood friend, she rediscovered h...

6.80 7.32 419

The "Worst College in America," which is on the outskirts of the made-up town of China, Illinois, is where the series is set. The school's callous instructors and staff pride themselves on their unfav...

7.10 329

The Fourth Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City is described in Fate/Zero, which takes place ten years before the events of Fate/stay night. [4] The Einzbern, Matou, and Tohsaka families created the Holy Gra...

8.20 8.29 551