Subaru Hasegawa aspires to rank among the greatest basketball stars of all time. But when his school's basketball team suspends play for a year, things seem to come to an end. He decides to discontinu...

5.80 6.78 377

Blade, the "Daywalker" vampire hunter with a unique blend of human and vampire blood, embarks on a mission in Japan. During his journey, he confronts Deacon Frost, the vampire responsible for his moth...

7.00 7.20 51

"Double-J" is a comedy anime series that aired in 2011 as part of the Yuruani? programming block on NHK. The anime is based on a manga written by Eiji Nonaka (the author of "Cromartie High School")...

6.40 5.47 378

A movie adaptation of the Sora no Otoshimono manga, focusing on the arc of Kazane Hiyori....

7.32 7.54 240

In a futuristic Tokyo, unique human beings who have awakened distinct powers are being hunted by a secret organization named Custos. Known as "Attractors", these exceptional humans are joining forces ...

7.80 6.50 55

**Plot Summary**: Golion, a powerful sentient robot, becomes notorious for his brutality against creatures known as the Deathblack Beastmen, declaring himself invincible. As punishment for his arrogan...

7.70 6.60 81

In *Cars 2*, Lightning McQueen is excited to participate in the World Grand Prix, an international racing event that promises thrilling competition. He’s joined by his best friend, Mater, who is eag...

6.20 184

The metropolis of Olympus has taken on the role of the global command center in the wake of the destruction caused by a global non-nuclear war. It is governed by Bioroids, superior-DNA cloned humans, ...

5.30 6.33 493

Spring has sprung in Care-a-lot! All the Care Bears are here and full of sunshine cheer in eight tales blooming with Flower Power! Join the Care Bears for fun in the sun and more in these adventures! ...


The show centers on the bizarre events that surround Kaiz Katsu, an oddball kid with a distinctive viewpoint on the world. He was originally a child prodigy, but when he was 7 years old, his boyhood b...

6.60 6.88 412

Zibo, a chubby, lazy panda, aspires to be a martial arts expert but is currently a lowly cleaner at a dojo. Unbeknownst to him, a sinister tiger is plotting to seize control of the kingdom, and Zibo m...

2.00 1.90 102

Asuna Watase, a brilliant student and sole caretaker of her home during her mother's absence, finds solace in her secret mountain hideout, listening to her old crystal radio. One day, she stumbles upo...

7.10 7.00 88