Initially, Wu Liuqi led a carefree existence on Xiaoji Island, but his true identity became shrouded in mystery due to amnesia. When outsiders arrived on the island and recognized Wu Liuqi, a series o...

8.40 496

Krylancelo Finrandi and his foster sister Azalie Cait-Sith were once bright sorcery students at the renowned Tower of Fangs, prodigies in a world of magic and monsters. However, a catastrophically fla...

5.60 6.27 404

Iko, a third grader, lives with his four older brothers in an old house in Tateyama. Iko's family has no parents, and according to his older brothers, their mother works in Tokyo. Despite being a bit ...


Jinkies! This raucous reimagining of the Scooby-Doo franchise unravels the mysterious origins of Mystery, Inc. – as seen through the eyes of the gang’s beloved bespectacled detective Velma. ...

1.60 329

In a magical world, there’s great disappointment when a lowly salaryman, Mukoda Tsuyoshi, is summoned instead of a true hero. However, this unexpected summoning grants him a unique ability: Online G...

7.50 7.67 666

Four fierce and furry superhero kittens who are on a mission to make Kittydale a more caring and "pawesome" place. ...

6.40 556

unta Shiraishi is a high school student whose primary goal is to have fun. However, since he is practically invisible to his classmates and even his teachers often overlook him, achieving this is more...

7.00 7.61 379

King Inglis, a hero who dedicated his life to building his nation, is nearing death. The goddess Alistia appears to honor his achievements and offers him one wish. Inglis chooses to be resurrected so ...

6.30 6.66 432

The role of the Saenome is to seal spirits that threaten civilization, known as tsukumogami, which are usually non-violent and can often be sealed after a simple conversation. Hyouma Kunato, traumatiz...

7.50 7.09 341

Most people are unable to perceive the strange, supernatural entities known as ayakashi. Although many of these beings are harmless, some attack humans to feed on their life energy. Exorcist ninjas ar...

6.00 6.45 303

Sanae Takigawa, a cheerful judo enthusiast, is taken aback when she receives a message from Michi Sonoda, announcing her decision to permanently quit judo after their last middle school competition. T...

7.60 6.78 450

After discovering that his orphanage was on the brink of closing due to financial stress, Finn, who was living freely on the streets, set out for a casino with the aim of making a fortune. However, no...

6.77 7.17 139