A young, misanthropic college student named Yuuhi Amamiya one day awakens to discover a lizard on his bed. The lizard says that Yuuhi has been selected as a Beast Knight, a magical warrior assigned to...

7.00 5.83 800

A young, misanthropic college student named Yuuhi Amamiya one day awakens to discover a lizard on his bed. The lizard says that Yuuhi has been selected as a Beast Knight, a magical warrior assigned to...

6.60 5.49 518

Kelvin gives up some memories from his former life in exchange for strong abilities, more skill points, and the title of S-class summoner in order to get ready for reincarnation in a different univers...

7.40 7.13 771

The Imperial Capital's fifth ward is where Black Cat Cafe is situated. Automata, highly developed mechanical dolls that had been abandoned when the war ended a few years earlier, have been repaired an...

6.30 6.98 688

In her house, Mei Onigami discovers a peculiar circular object that reads "chimi." She consents to agree the being with her sisters Mutsumi and Hazuki till its true owner picks it up. But as soon as o...

5.70 6.35 622

In the aftermath of a ferocious onslaught by the insidious Masked Demons—an imperialist marauder gang, the Shinsengumi's Eighth Division—a stalwart, law-upholding squadron in Kyoto that pledges al...

7.60 6.10 645

Kou Yamori is a typical middle schooler who finds it difficult to understand the nuanced idea of love. He quickly stops attending school because he doesn't see any point in conforming to the standard....

7.50 8.06 325

Ayumu Tanaka, the middle school kendo champion, enrolls in the unofficial Shogi Club instead of the expected Kendo Club when he starts his freshman year of high school. The president of the club and t...

6.80 7.06 492

The reputation of Tooru Kirishima is well-known across the criminal underworld. He is best renowned for being "The Demon of Sakuragi," a man who will use force if it is required. In order to teach Too...

7.50 7.77 478

Since they shared a love of reading, slacker Mizuto Irido and reclusive nerd Yume Ayai seemed to be a match made in heaven. Sadly, as their differences deepened over time, they split up right after th...

6.80 6.94 436

Michio Kaga, a high school student, was aimlessly meandering through life and the Internet when he found himself taken from a dubious website to a fantasy realm, where he was reincarnated as a powerfu...

6.40 6.74 491

Takafumi Takaoka picks up his uncle in contemporary Japan after he recently came out of a 17-year coma after being struck by a truck. Uncle demonstrates his magic-casting skills and says that he was t...

7.40 7.97 475