Drawn Together is an adult animated series that aired from 2004 to 2007 on Comedy Central. Created by Dave Jeser and Matt Silverstein, the show uses a mock reality TV format with exaggerated cartoon c...

7.90 6.60 61

The series follows a teenager named Artha Penn who teams up with a dragon named Beau. Artha, known as the Dragon Booster, is the chosen hero tasked with protecting the dragon world and ensuring its sa...

7.50 6.10 55

Rushuna Tend, a skilled gunfighter, and the mercenary samurai Yajir Kojima are followed on their journeys in Grenadier. One who is somewhat adept in the use of firearms is referred to as a Senshi or "...

6.10 6.70 489

Japan just does not have a bread that can compare in terms of reputation, but nations like France, England, and Germany all have their own internationally renowned bread. Kazuma Azuma sets out on a...

7.70 7.92 405

When the Professor and Rock Bottom plot to create the world's biggest blizzard in order to ruin Christmas, Felix the Cat and Poindexter must travel to the North Pole to help Santa Claus and save Chris...

4.09 212

This is the story of college freshman Kanji Sasahara and his fellow members of the college club he joins, The Society for the Study of Modern Visual Culture (aka Genshiken), as he goes shopping for do...

7.60 7.64 344

Doctor Black Jack has a murky, enigmatic past and is "unregistered." He deals with unusual medical issues, which can be weird, dangerous, or not known at all, with the help of his young helper Pinoko,...

7.59 377

"Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny" is the sequel to "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED," part of the sprawling Gundam franchise. The series takes place two years after the end of the Bloody Valentine War depicte...

7.10 7.19 469

Seven bisque dolls electrified and given intelligence by a gem called Rosa Mystica were made in the 20th century by the renowned doll manufacturer Rozen. Phase 2 Since then, Rozen has dispatched the d...

6.90 7.41 408

"Zipang" is a military-themed anime series that aired from 2004 to 2005, based on a manga of the same name by Kaiji Kawaguchi. The story revolves around the modern Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force...

7.50 7.49 296

While growing up, Ichinomiya Kantarou, who had the gift of seeing demons, was teased and bullied by people who did not have it. Instead, he grew close to the demons and developed a strong affinity to ...

7.10 7.21 309